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CryptoCache: Advanced Security Framework for Flask Applications Version: 1.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 05/01/2025

This module implements a comprehensive security framework for Flask applications with defense-in-depth measures and robust security controls. It provides multi-layered protection against various attack vectors while ensuring data integrity and secure cross-origin communications.

Core Security Features: 1. Origin Validation

  • Strict origin validation with DNS rebinding protection

  • Null byte injection prevention

  • IP-based origin validation

  • Protocol enforcement

  1. Environment Security * Secure environment variable handling * Runtime modification prevention * Default security fallbacks * Configuration immutability

  2. CORS Protection * Header injection prevention * Strict CORS policy enforcement * Secure credential handling * Cache poisoning protection

  3. Audit & Logging * Secure audit logging * Log sanitization * Rotation policies * Sensitive data masking

Security Considerations: - All environment variables must be securely configured - SSL/TLS must be properly configured on the server - Regular security audits should be performed - Security updates should be monitored and applied

Dependencies: - flask>=2.0.0: Web framework - urllib3>=2.0.0: HTTP client - cryptography>=41.0.0: Cryptographic operations - python-dotenv>=1.0.0: Environment management

exception SecurityError[source]

Bases: Exception

Base exception for security-related errors.

exception ConfigurationError[source]

Bases: SecurityError

Specific exception for configuration security issues.

class SecurityHeaders(HSTS: str = 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains', CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS: str = 'nosniff', FRAME_OPTIONS: str = 'DENY', XSS_PROTECTION: str = '1; mode=block', REFERRER_POLICY: str = 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin', PERMITTED_CROSS_DOMAIN_POLICIES: str = 'none', CSP: str = "default-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data: https:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://cdn.jsdelivr.net https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://cdn.jsdelivr.net https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com https://code.jquery.com; font-src 'self' https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com; connect-src 'self' https://*.ngrok-free.app https://*.ngrok.io; frame-ancestors 'none';")[source]

Bases: object

Immutable security headers configuration.

HSTS: str = 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains'
CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS: str = 'nosniff'
XSS_PROTECTION: str = '1; mode=block'
REFERRER_POLICY: str = 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'
CSP: str = "default-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data: https:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://cdn.jsdelivr.net https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://cdn.jsdelivr.net https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com https://code.jquery.com; font-src 'self' https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com; connect-src 'self' https://*.ngrok-free.app https://*.ngrok.io; frame-ancestors 'none';"
__init__(HSTS: str = 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains', CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS: str = 'nosniff', FRAME_OPTIONS: str = 'DENY', XSS_PROTECTION: str = '1; mode=block', REFERRER_POLICY: str = 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin', PERMITTED_CROSS_DOMAIN_POLICIES: str = 'none', CSP: str = "default-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data: https:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://cdn.jsdelivr.net https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://cdn.jsdelivr.net https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com https://code.jquery.com; font-src 'self' https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com; connect-src 'self' https://*.ngrok-free.app https://*.ngrok.io; frame-ancestors 'none';") None
class EnvironmentConfig(origins: ~typing.List[str] = <factory>, max_requests: int = 100, request_window: int = 3600)[source]

Bases: object

Immutable environment-specific configuration.

origins: List[str]
max_requests: int = 100
request_window: int = 3600
__init__(origins: ~typing.List[str] = <factory>, max_requests: int = 100, request_window: int = 3600) None
class SecureConfig[source]

Bases: object

Enhanced secure configuration manager for Flask applications.

This class manages secure configuration settings including CORS policies, security headers, and environment-specific settings. It implements multiple layers of security controls and validation.

DEFAULT_HSTS_MAX_AGE: int = 31536000
SUPPORTED_ENVIRONMENTS: Set[str] = frozenset({'development', 'production'})
ORIGIN_PATTERN: Pattern = re.compile('^https?://(?:(?:\\*\\.)?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}(?::\\d{1,5})?|localhost(?::\\d{1,5})?|127\\.0\\.0\\.1(?::\\d{1,5})?|\\[::1\\](?::\\d{1,5})?)$')

Initialize secure configuration with audit logging and encryption.

initialize_app(app: Flask) None[source]
get_allowed_origins() List[str][source]

Get cached list of allowed origins for current environment.


List of allowed origins

Return type:


add_security_headers(response: Response) Response[source]

Add comprehensive security headers to response.


Enhanced Flask Application Initializer Version: 1.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 05/01/2025

This module implements a secure Flask application initialization system with strong focus on configuration security, authentication protection, and secure environment management.

Security Features: 1. Environment Protection

  • Secure secret key management

  • Protected environment variables

  • Encryption key validation

  • Configuration isolation

  1. Authentication Security - OAuth provider protection - Secure callback handling - Protected client credentials - Token management safety

  2. Server Security - CORS protection - Firebase security - Development tunnel safety - Session management

  3. Configuration Management - Protected variable handling - Secure initialization - Error isolation - Safe defaults

Security Considerations: - All sensitive configuration is validated - OAuth credentials are protected - Environment variables are verified - Development modes are isolated - Error states provide safe defaults - CORS is strictly configured - Firebase credentials are protected - Tunneling is secured in development

Dependencies: - flask: Web application framework - authlib: OAuth implementation - firebase_admin: Firebase operations - python-dotenv: Environment management - os

validate_environment_variables(required_vars: list) None[source]

Securely validate presence and format of required environment variables.


required_vars – List of required environment variable names


ValueError – If any required variable is missing or invalid

Security measures: - Presence verification - Format validation - Error isolation

validate_secret_key(key: str) None[source]

Validate the security of the Flask secret key.


key – Secret key to validate


ValueError – If key doesn’t meet security requirements

Security measures: - Length verification - Entropy checking - Format validation

secure_firebase_init() None[source]

Securely initialize Firebase with proper credential handling.

  • FileNotFoundError – If credential file is missing

  • ValueError – If credentials are invalid

Security measures: - Path validation - Credential verification - Error isolation

create_app(secure_config) Flask[source]

Creates and configures a secure Flask application instance.


Configured Flask application

Return type:


  • ValueError – On security configuration failures

  • ConfigurationError – On CORS configuration failures

Security measures: - Secure initialization - Protected configuration - Error isolation

configure_development_environment(app: Flask) None[source]

Configure secure development environment settings.


app – Flask application instance

Security measures: - Tunnel protection - URL validation - Error isolation

configure_oauth(app: Flask) OAuth[source]

Configure secure OAuth providers for authentication.


app – Flask application instance


Configured OAuth instance

Return type:


Security measures: - Credential validation - URL verification - Scope restriction

determine_callback_base_url() str[source]

Securely determine the base URL for OAuth callbacks.


Validated base URL

Return type:


Security measures: - URL validation - Protocol verification - Environment isolation


Enhanced Ngrok Tunnel Manager Version: 1.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 05/01/2025

This module implements secure ngrok tunnel management with a strong focus on memory safety, secure state persistence, and protected network operations.

Security Features: 1. Connection Protection

  • Secure tunnel establishment

  • Protected URL management

  • SSL/TLS verification

  • Timeout protection

  1. State Management Security - Secure file operations - Protected state persistence - Memory-safe operations - Automatic cleanup

  2. Configuration Security - Protected environment variables - Secure token handling - Region validation - Safe defaults

  3. Error Management - Secure error recovery - Non-revealing messages - Protected logging - Failsafe defaults

Security Considerations: - All sensitive data is automatically cleaned up - Network operations are protected - Logging excludes sensitive information - File operations are secure - Error states provide safe defaults

Dependencies: - pyngrok: For ngrok tunnel operations - requests: For secure HTTP operations - flask: For application integration - pathlib: For secure file operations

class NgrokManager(app=None)[source]

Bases: object

Manages ngrok tunnel configuration and persistence with security focus. Implements secure tunnel creation, URL management, and state persistence.

Security Features: - Protected tunnel operations - Secure state management - Memory-safe cleanup - Protected logging


Initialize NgrokManager with security considerations.


app – Optional Flask application instance

Security measures: - Secure logger initialization - Protected file operations - Safe defaults


Initialize with Flask app instance securely.


app – Flask application instance

Security measures: - Token validation - Region verification - Protected configuration

start_tunnel(port: int = 5000)[source]

Start ngrok tunnel securely for the specified port.


port – Local port to tunnel


Public ngrok URL

Return type:


Security measures: - Port validation - Secure health check - Protected tunnel creation - Error handling


Documentation Generator Security Framework Version: 1.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 05/01/2025

This module implements a secure and robust documentation generation system with a strong focus on module discovery protection, configuration security, and safe file system operations.

Security Features: 1. File System Protection

  • Secure path traversal prevention

  • Protected file operations

  • Safe directory creation

  • Path validation and sanitization

  1. Module Security - Protected module discovery - Secure import handling - Module isolation - Safe module resolution

  2. Documentation Security - Protected configuration generation - Secure theme handling - Safe template management - Output isolation

  3. Configuration Management - Protected variable handling - Secure initialization - Error isolation - Safe defaults

Security Considerations: - All file paths are validated and sanitized - Module imports are protected - Configuration files are isolated - Development artifacts are protected - Error states provide safe defaults - Directory traversal is prevented - Module resolution is secured - Output paths are protected

Dependencies: - sphinx: Documentation generation framework - pdoc: Alternative documentation generator - pathlib: Secure path operations - importlib: Protected module importing

class DocGenerator(project_dir: str, output_dir: str)[source]

Bases: object

A class that automates documentation generation from Python source files.

This class provides functionality to: 1. Discover Python modules in a project directory 2. Generate documentation using either Sphinx or pdoc 3. Handle configuration and setup for documentation generation 4. Provide error handling and fallback options


Root directory containing Python source files




Directory where documentation will be generated




Flag indicating if sphinx_rtd_theme is available




Mapping of module names to file paths


Dict[str, Path]

__init__(project_dir: str, output_dir: str)[source]

Initialize the documentation generator with project and output directories.

  • project_dir – Root directory containing Python source files

  • output_dir – Directory where documentation will be generated

  • ValueError – If no Python files are found in the project directory

  • TypeError – If input parameters are not str or Path objects

setup_sphinx() None[source]

Set up Sphinx configuration and create necessary directory structure.

This method: 1. Creates required Sphinx directories 2. Generates conf.py with project configuration 3. Creates index.rst with module documentation structure 4. Configures theme and extensions


IOError – If unable to create necessary files or directories

generate_sphinx_docs() None[source]

Generate Sphinx documentation for all discovered Python files.

This method: 1. Sets up Sphinx configuration 2. Builds HTML documentation 3. Handles errors and provides theme fallback


Exception – If documentation generation fails after fallback attempts

generate_pdoc_docs() None[source]

Generate pdoc documentation for all discovered Python files.

This method: 1. Adds project directory to Python path 2. Generates HTML documentation using pdoc 3. Outputs documentation to specified directory


Exception – If pdoc documentation generation fails

run(doc_type: str = 'sphinx') None[source]

Execute the documentation generation process.


doc_type – Type of documentation to generate (‘sphinx’ or ‘pdoc’)


ValueError – Unsupported documentation type


Command-line interface for the documentation generator.


Secure Cryptographic Operations Framework Version: 1.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 05/01/2025 This module implements a comprehensive cryptographic system with a strong focus on secure memory management, user identity protection, and robust encryption operations. It provides a defense-in-depth approach to protecting sensitive data through multiple layers of security controls and careful memory handling. Core Security Features:

Memory Protection

Secure byte array implementation for sensitive data Automatic memory zeroing after operations Protected key material handling Managed cleanup of cryptographic artifacts

Encryption Operations

AES-256-CBC encryption with PKCS7 padding Secure initialization vector management Salt generation and validation Protected cipher operations

Key Management

Secure key derivation using PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA3-256 User-specific key isolation Master key protection Salt management for key derivation

Identity Protection

Secure user ID hashing with HMAC-SHA256 Protected hash verification Timing attack prevention Base64 URL-safe encoding

Security Considerations:

All cryptographic operations use constant-time comparisons Memory containing sensitive data is securely erased Side-channel attack protections are implemented Cryptographic error states are safely handled Key material is protected throughout its lifecycle User identities are consistently hashed Encryption operations are isolated per user


-cryptography: Core cryptographic operations -secure_byte_array: Protected memory management -hashlib: Hashing operations -base64: Secure encoding -typing: Type safety -logging: Security event tracking

exception CryptographicError[source]

Bases: Exception

Custom exception for cryptographic errors.

class AESCipher(master_key: str | bytes | SecureByteArray)[source]

Bases: object

Secure implementation of AES encryption with protected memory management and user ID hashing.

This class provides: - AES-256-CBC encryption with secure key derivation - Secure memory management using SecureByteArray - Protection against timing and side-channel attacks - Automatic PKCS7 padding management - Secure user ID hashing with HMAC-SHA256 and base64 encoding


AES block size in bytes




Key length in bytes




Initialization vector length




Salt length for key derivation




Number of iterations for key derivation



__init__(master_key: str | bytes | SecureByteArray)[source]

Initializes the AES cipher with a master key and optional app secret for user ID hashing.


master_key – Master key as string, bytes, or SecureByteArray


CryptographicError – If the master key is invalid

hash_user_id(provider: str, original_id: str) str[source]

Generates a secure and consistent hash of the user ID using HMAC-SHA256, encoded in URL-safe base64 format.

  • provider – OAuth provider identifier (e.g., ‘google’, ‘github’)

  • original_id – Original user ID from the provider


Base64 encoded hash, URL-safe without padding

Return type:


  • ValueError – If provider or original_id is empty

  • CryptographicError – If hashing fails

verify_user_id_hash(provider: str, original_id: str, hashed_id: str) bool[source]

Verifies if a base64 encoded hash matches a given user ID using constant-time comparison.

  • provider – OAuth provider identifier

  • original_id – Original user ID

  • hashed_id – Base64 encoded hash to verify


True if the hash matches, False otherwise

Return type:



CryptographicError – If verification fails

generate_salt() SecureByteArray[source]

Generates a cryptographically secure salt.


Generated salt

Return type:


derive_key(user_id: str, salt: bytes | SecureByteArray) SecureByteArray[source]

Derives a user-specific key using PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA3-256.

  • user_id – User identifier

  • salt – Salt for key derivation


Derived key

Return type:



CryptographicError – If key derivation fails

encrypt(data: Any, user_id: str, salt: bytes | SecureByteArray) bytes[source]

Encrypts data using AES-256-CBC with secure memory management.

  • data – Data to encrypt (can be any JSON serializable type)

  • user_id – User identifier

  • salt – Salt for key derivation


Encrypted data encoded in base64

Return type:



CryptographicError – If encryption fails

decrypt(encrypted_data: str | bytes | SecureByteArray, user_id: str, salt: bytes | SecureByteArray) Any[source]

Decrypts data with secure memory management.

  • encrypted_data – Encrypted data (can be string, bytes, or SecureByteArray)

  • user_id – User identifier

  • salt – Salt used for encryption


Decrypted data (JSON object or string)

Return type:



Enhanced Portfolio Metrics Calculator Version: 1.0 Author: [Gabriel Cellammare] Last Modified: [05/01/2025]

This module implements secure portfolio data encryption and decryption with a strong focus on memory safety, cryptographic best practices, and secure data handling.

Security Features: 1. Memory Protection

  • Secure memory allocation and deallocation

  • Multiple-pass memory wiping

  • Protected memory regions for sensitive data

  • Automatic cleanup of sensitive information

  1. Cryptographic Security - AES encryption for sensitive data - Secure key and salt handling - Isolation of cryptographic operations - Protection against timing attacks

  2. Error Handling - Secure error recovery - Non-revealing error messages - Protected logging of sensitive data - Failsafe defaults for errors

  3. Input/Output Safety - Strict type validation - Secure conversion operations - Protected field handling - Safe defaults for failures

Security Considerations: - All sensitive data is automatically wiped from memory - Cryptographic operations are isolated - Logging excludes sensitive information - Memory is protected against unauthorized access - Type conversions are handled securely - Error states provide safe defaults

Dependencies: - cryptography_utils.AESCipher: For encryption operations - secure_byte_array.SecureByteArray: For secure memory operations

exception PortfolioEncryptionError[source]

Bases: Exception

Custom exception for portfolio encryption errors.

Security: - Does not expose internal state - Provides generic error messages - Protects against information leakage

class PortfolioEncryption(cipher: AESCipher)[source]

Bases: object

Secure portfolio data encryption implementation.

Security Architecture: 1. Memory Safety

  • Automatic memory cleanup

  • Protected memory regions

  • Secure memory wiping

  • Isolation of sensitive data

  1. Cryptographic Operations - Secure key management - Protected encryption/decryption - Salt handling - Timing attack protection

  2. Data Protection - Secure type conversion - Protected field handling - Safe default values - Error state handling

  3. Access Control - Initialization verification - Operation isolation - Memory access control - Cleanup guarantees

Usage Warnings: 1. Memory Management

  • Always use with context managers

  • Verify cleanup completion

  • Monitor memory usage

  • Check cleanup logs

  1. Error Handling - Implement proper exception catching - Verify error states - Check return values - Monitor error logs

  2. Cryptographic Safety - Protect key material - Verify salt uniqueness - Monitor operation logs - Check integrity

SENSITIVE_FIELDS = frozenset({'amount', 'purchase_date', 'purchase_price'})
logger = <Logger security.cryptography.portfolio_encryption (INFO)>
__init__(cipher: AESCipher)[source]

Initialize encryption system with security verification.

Security Operations: 1. Cipher validation

  • Verify interface compliance

  • Check method availability

  • Validate initialization

  1. Memory preparation - Initialize secure buffers - Prepare cleanup tracking - Set up protection

  2. State verification - Check initialization status - Verify configurations - Validate security settings


cipher – AESCipher instance for cryptographic operations


PortfolioEncryptionError – On security verification failure

Security Checks: - Cipher interface verification - Memory initialization - Protection setup - State validation

encrypt_portfolio_item(item: Dict, user_id: str, salt: SecureByteArray) Dict[source]

Securely encrypts portfolio item data with memory protection.

  • item – Portfolio data to encrypt

  • user_id – User identifier

  • salt – Cryptographic salt


Encrypted portfolio data

Return type:



PortfolioEncryptionError – If encryption fails

  • Validates input parameters

  • Implements secure memory handling

  • Automatic cleanup of sensitive data

decrypt_portfolio_item(encrypted_item: Dict, user_id: str, salt: SecureByteArray) Dict[source]

Securely decrypts portfolio item data with memory protection.

  • encrypted_item – Encrypted portfolio data

  • user_id – User identifier

  • salt – Cryptographic salt


Decrypted portfolio data

Return type:


  • Validates encrypted data integrity

  • Implements secure memory handling

  • Provides safe defaults for failures


Enhanced CSRF Protection System Version: 2.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 09/01/2025

A comprehensive Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection system designed for Flask applications with emphasis on security, scalability, and compliance with modern web security standards.

Key Features: 1. JavaScript Origin Validation - Ensures requests originate from legitimate sources using cryptographic signatures 2. Request Origin Binding - Links tokens to specific origins and validates request chains 3. Enhanced Token Protection - Uses encryption and HMAC validation with secure token lifecycle management 4. Anti-Automation Measures - Implements rate limiting and request pattern analysis 5. Request Chain Validation - Tracks and validates request sequences to prevent replay attacks

Security Measures: - Implements double-submit cookie pattern - Uses cryptographic signatures for request validation - Supports both development and production environments with appropriate security levels - Includes comprehensive header security - Implements token expiration and rotation - Provides protection against timing attacks - Includes DOS protection mechanisms


from csrf_protection import CSRFProtection

app = Flask(__name__) csrf = CSRFProtection(app)

@app.route(‘/protected’, methods=[‘POST’]) @csrf.csrf_protect def protected_route():

return ‘Protected endpoint’

  • Flask

  • cryptography

  • Python 3.7+

Environment Variables:
  • FLASK_ENV: ‘development’ or ‘production’

  • DEV_ALLOWED_ORIGINS: Comma-separated list of allowed origins for development

  • PROD_ALLOWED_ORIGINS: Comma-separated list of allowed origins for production

class CSRFProtection(app: Flask | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(app: Flask | None = None)[source]

Initializes Flask application with comprehensive security configurations.


app (Flask) – The Flask application instance to configure

Security Configurations:
  • Session security settings

  • Origin validation rules

  • HTTPS enforcement

  • Security headers

  • Environment-specific configurations

Environment Handling:
  • Development: Allows local testing and ngrok domains

  • Production: Strict security controls

Implementation Details:
  • Configures session parameters

  • Sets up request hooks for HTTPS and headers

  • Initializes origin validation

  • Establishes environment-specific rate limits


Exception – If initialization fails, with detailed error logging

init_app(app: Flask) None[source]

Initialize application with comprehensive security configurations.

This method configures the Flask application with security features, sets up session handling, and initializes OAuth providers.


app (Flask) – The Flask application instance to configure

Security Features:
  • Session security settings

  • Origin validation rules

  • HTTPS enforcement

  • Security headers

  • Environment-specific configurations

Environment Handling:
  • Development: Allows local testing and ngrok domains

  • Production: Strict security controls

Implementation Details:
  • Configures session parameters

  • Sets up request hooks for HTTPS and headers

  • Initializes origin validation

  • Establishes environment-specific rate limits


Exception – If initialization fails, with detailed error logging

Sets CSRF token cookie with secure settings and domain binding.

  • response (Response) – Flask response object to modify

  • token (str) – CSRF token to set in cookie

Security Features:
  • Secure flag enabled

  • HttpOnly flag enabled

  • SameSite attribute set to ‘Lax’

  • Domain-bound cookies

  • Appropriate expiration time


  • Automatically detects and uses appropriate domain from request

  • Implements security best practices for cookie attributes

  • Handles empty token gracefully

generate_token(require_user_id=True) Tuple[str, Response][source]

Generate CSRF token and prepare secure response. Now returns both token and properly configured response.

validate_token_request(token: str) bool[source]

Performs comprehensive validation of CSRF token and associated request headers.


token (str) – The CSRF token to validate


True if token and request headers pass all security checks

Return type:


Security Validations:
  • Token cryptographic validation

  • Origin header verification

  • Referrer header checking for same-origin

  • Request chain validation

  • Token usage counting


  • Implements defense in depth through multiple validation layers

  • Provides detailed logging for security events

  • Handles missing headers gracefully


>>> csrf.validate_token_request("eyJhbGc...")
True  # If token and request are valid
generate_nonce() str[source]

Creates a cryptographically secure, single-use nonce with request binding.


Encrypted nonce containing request metadata

Return type:


Security Features:
  • Bound to user session

  • Request ID integration

  • Automatic expiration

  • Protection against replay attacks

  • DOS prevention through cleanup

Implementation Details:
  • Uses Fernet symmetric encryption

  • Includes timestamp for expiration

  • Maintains maximum nonce limit

  • Implements automatic cleanup


Abort(403) – When JavaScript origin validation fails

validate_nonce(nonce: str) bool[source]

Validates nonce with comprehensive security checks and request chain verification.


nonce (str) – The nonce string to validate


True if nonce is valid and unused

Return type:


Security Checks:
  • Existence verification

  • Expiration validation

  • Payload decryption and validation

  • User session binding

  • Single-use enforcement

Implementation Details:
  • Implements one-time use pattern

  • Automatic removal after use

  • Maintains encrypted payload integrity

  • Provides detailed error logging


  • Used in conjunction with token validation

  • Part of double-submit validation pattern

  • Implements defense against replay attacks

csrf_protect(f: Callable) Callable[source]

Comprehensive CSRF protection decorator implementing multiple security layers.


f (Callable) – The Flask route function to protect


Decorated function with CSRF protection

Return type:


Security Layers:
  1. Nonce validation

  2. Token validation

  3. Origin verification

  4. Request chain validation


@app.route(‘/api/data’, methods=[‘POST’]) @csrf_protect def protected_endpoint():

return ‘Protected data’


Abort(403) – When any security check fails - Invalid or missing nonce - Invalid or missing token - Invalid origin - Failed request chain validation


Enhanced Input Validation System Version: 1.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 05/01/2025

This module implements a comprehensive input validation system with strong focus on security, data sanitization, and protection against common web vulnerabilities.

Security Features: 1. Input Sanitization

  • NoSQL injection prevention

  • XSS protection

  • HTML encoding

  • Special character handling

  • Data type validation

  1. Validation Protection - Strict type checking - Pattern validation - Range validation - Length constraints - Custom validation hooks

  2. Data Security - Protected field handling - Safe type conversion - Secure date parsing - Protected numeric operations - Field access control

  3. Error Management - Secure error reporting - Non-revealing messages - Protected validation state - Safe error recovery

Security Considerations: - All input is sanitized before processing - Pattern matching is strictly controlled - Type conversions are handled securely - Error messages don’t leak internal details - Validation rules are immutable - Date ranges are strictly enforced - Numeric values are bounded - Custom validators are protected

Dependencies: - validators: For email and URL validation - datetime: For secure date handling - re: For pattern matching - typing: For type validation

exception ValidationError(field: str, message: str)[source]

Bases: Exception

Secure exception class for validation errors.

Security Features: - Sanitized error messages - Protected field names - Safe string representation

__init__(field: str, message: str)[source]
class InputType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Secure enumeration of allowed input types.

Security Features: - Immutable type definitions - Protected value access - Controlled type expansion

STRING = 'string'
NUMBER = 'number'
DATE = 'date'
EMAIL = 'email'
URL = 'url'
CRYPTO_ID = 'crypto_id'
CURRENCY = 'currency'
JWT = 'jwt'
class ValidationRule(required: bool = True, type: InputType = InputType.STRING, min_length: int | None = None, max_length: int | None = None, min_value: int | float | None = None, max_value: int | float | None = None, pattern: str | None = None, allowed_values: List[Any] | None = None, custom_validator: callable | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Immutable validation rule configuration.

Security Features: - Frozen dataclass prevents modification - Type-checked attributes - Protected validator references

required: bool = True
type: InputType = 'string'
min_length: int | None = None
max_length: int | None = None
min_value: int | float | None = None
max_value: int | float | None = None
pattern: str | None = None
allowed_values: List[Any] | None = None
custom_validator: callable | None = None
__init__(required: bool = True, type: InputType = InputType.STRING, min_length: int | None = None, max_length: int | None = None, min_value: int | float | None = None, max_value: int | float | None = None, pattern: str | None = None, allowed_values: List[Any] | None = None, custom_validator: callable | None = None) None
class InputValidator[source]

Bases: object

Secure input validation system with comprehensive protection against common vulnerabilities.

Security Features: - Input sanitization - Type validation - Pattern matching - Range checking - Custom validation hooks

PATTERNS = {'crypto_id': '^[a-z0-9-]+$', 'currency': '^[A-Z]{3}$', 'jwt': '^[A-Za-z0-9-_=]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9-_=]+\\.?[A-Za-z0-9-_.+/=]*$'}
COMMON_RULES = {'auth': {'code': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.STRING: 'string'>, min_length=20, max_length=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None), 'provider': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.STRING: 'string'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=['google', 'github'], custom_validator=None), 'state': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.STRING: 'string'>, min_length=32, max_length=64, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None)}, 'currency_preference': {'currency': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.CURRENCY: 'currency'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern='^[A-Z]{3}$', allowed_values=['USD', 'EUR'], custom_validator=None)}, 'portfolio_add': {'amount': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.NUMBER: 'number'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=1e-07, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None), 'crypto_id': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.CRYPTO_ID: 'crypto_id'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern='^[a-z0-9-]+$', allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None), 'purchase_date': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.DATE: 'date'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None), 'purchase_price': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.NUMBER: 'number'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=0, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None), 'symbol': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.STRING: 'string'>, min_length=1, max_length=10, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None)}, 'portfolio_update': {'amount': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.NUMBER: 'number'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=1e-07, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None), 'purchase_date': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.DATE: 'date'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None), 'purchase_price': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.NUMBER: 'number'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=0, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None)}}
MIN_ALLOWED_DATE = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0)
static sanitize_input(value: str) str[source]

Securely sanitize string input to prevent injection attacks.


value – Input string to sanitize


Sanitized string safe for processing

Security measures: - NoSQL operator removal - HTML character encoding - Special character handling - Type checking

classmethod validate_value(value: Any, rule: ValidationRule) Any[source]

Securely validate a single value against defined rules.

  • value – Input value to validate

  • rule – ValidationRule to apply


Validated and potentially transformed value

Security measures: - Type validation - Range checking - Pattern matching - Custom validation protection

classmethod validate_request_data(data: Dict[str, Any], rules: Dict[str, ValidationRule]) Dict[str, Any][source]

Securely validate complete request data against defined rules.

  • data – Dictionary of input data

  • rules – Dictionary of validation rules


Dictionary of validated data

Security measures: - Unknown field detection - Complete validation coverage - Protected field access - Secure type conversion

classmethod validate_portfolio_add(data: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any][source]

Secure validation for portfolio additions.

classmethod validate_auth(data: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any][source]

Secure validation for authentication data.

classmethod validate_currency_preference(data: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any][source]

Secure validation for currency preferences.


FirebaseRateLimiter: Distributed Rate Limiting Implementation Version: 1.0 Author: [Gabriel Cellammare] Last Modified: [05/01/2025]

This module provides a distributed rate limiting solution using Firebase Firestore: - Scalable rate limiting across multiple instances - Automatic cleanup of expired entries - Transaction-based atomic operations - Probabilistic maintenance

Security Features: 1. Transaction-based updates 2. Automatic data cleanup 3. Error handling and logging 4. Atomic operations 5. Time-window based limiting

Dependencies: - firebase_admin.firestore - flask.current_app - logging - time - random

class FirebaseRateLimitCleaner(db, collection_name: str = 'rate_limits')[source]

Bases: object

Cleanup Manager for Rate Limiting Data

Handles the periodic cleanup of expired rate limiting entries: - Batch processing to avoid timeouts - Configurable window sizes - Error handling and logging

Security Features: - Batched operations - Error isolation - Logging of operations

__init__(db, collection_name: str = 'rate_limits')[source]

Initialize the rate limit cleaner.

  • db – Firestore client instance

  • collection_name – Collection name for rate limits

Security: - Validates inputs - Configures logging

clean_expired_entries(window_seconds: int = 3600, batch_size: int = 500) int[source]

Remove expired rate limit entries.

  • window_seconds – Time window in seconds

  • batch_size – Number of documents per batch


Number of deleted documents

Return type:


Security: - Batched operations - Transaction safety - Error handling

class FirebaseRateLimiter(db, max_requests: int = 100, window_seconds: int = 3600, ip_max_requests: int = 1000, ip_window_seconds: int = 3600, cleanup_probability: float = 0.001)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(db, max_requests: int = 100, window_seconds: int = 3600, ip_max_requests: int = 1000, ip_window_seconds: int = 3600, cleanup_probability: float = 0.001)[source]

Initialize rate limiter.

  • db – Firestore database instance

  • max_requests – Maximum requests per user window

  • window_seconds – Time window for user limits

  • ip_max_requests – Maximum requests per IP window

  • ip_window_seconds – Time window for IP limits

Security: - Input validation - Configuration logging - Cleanup initialization


Probabilistic cleanup execution.

Security: - Error isolation - Logging - Non-blocking operation

check_rate_limit(user_id: str, ip_address) Tuple[bool, int, int][source]


SecureByteArray: Secure Memory Management Implementation Version: 1.0 Author: [Gabriel Cellammare] Last Modified: [05/01/2025]

This module provides a secure implementation for handling sensitive data in memory with: - Protected memory management - Anti-dumping measures - Secure data wiping - Automatic cleanup mechanisms

Security Features: 1. Memory Protection: Implements secure allocation and wiping 2. Anti-Dumping: Uses multiple overwrite passes 3. Context Management: Automatic cleanup 4. Access Control: Locking mechanism 5. Secure Random: Uses secrets module for cryptographic operations

Dependencies: - array (for byte array management) - ctypes (for low-level memory operations) - secrets (for cryptographic random generation) - logging (for security event tracking)

exception MemorySecurityError[source]

Bases: Exception

Custom exception for memory security operations.

Used to distinguish memory security issues from standard exceptions. Provides specific error context for security-related failures.

class SecureByteArray(data: bytes | bytearray | array | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Secure Memory Management Implementation

Provides protected memory operations for sensitive data handling: - Secure memory allocation and deallocation - Protection against memory dumps - Multi-pass secure data wiping - Automatic memory cleanup - Memory access controls

Security Features: - Uses cryptographic random for overwriting - Implements multiple wipe passes - Verifies memory allocation - Provides memory locking - Implements secure copying


# Using as context manager (recommended) with SecureByteArray(sensitive_data) as secure_data:

processed_data = secure_data.to_bytes()

# Direct usage (requires manual cleanup) secure_data = SecureByteArray(sensitive_data) try:

processed_data = secure_data.to_bytes()



logger = <Logger security.secure_bye_array (INFO)>
__init__(data: bytes | bytearray | array | None = None)[source]

Initialize secure byte array with optional data.


data – Initial sensitive data (optional)

  • MemorySecurityError – On memory allocation failure

  • TypeError – On invalid input data type

Security: - Validates input types - Verifies memory allocation - Initializes security state

secure_zero() None[source]

Securely wipe memory contents.

Security Implementation: - Multiple overwrite passes - Cryptographic random data - Final zero overwrite - Memory fence operations


MemorySecurityError – If secure wiping fails

to_bytes() bytes[source]

Create secure copy of data.


Copy of protected data

Return type:



MemorySecurityError – If array is locked

Security: - Validates lock state - Creates secure copy - Maintains original protection


CryptoCache: Advanced Cryptocurrency Data Security Framework Version: 1.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 05/01/2025

This module implements a comprehensive security framework for caching cryptocurrency pricing data with defense-in-depth measures and robust security controls. It provides multi-layered protection against various attack vectors while ensuring data integrity and secure API communications.

Core Security Features:

  1. Data Protection - Secure cache file handling - Data validation and sanitization - Protected memory operations - Integrity verification

  2. API Security - Rate limiting implementation - Request throttling - Secure HTTP headers - Response validation

  3. Cache Management - Secure directory creation - Protected file operations - Timestamp validation - Data expiration controls

  4. Error Handling - Comprehensive exception management - Secure logging practices - Fail-safe defaults - Recovery procedures

Security Considerations:

  1. File System Security: - Cache directory permissions must be properly configured - File operations need atomic write protection - Path traversal prevention required - Temporary file handling must be secure

  2. API Communication: - SSL/TLS verification should be enforced - API keys need secure storage - Request headers should be sanitized - Rate limiting must prevent DOS

  3. Data Validation: - All input parameters require validation - Cache data must be verified - Response data needs sanitization - Type checking should be strict

  4. Memory Management: - Sensitive data needs secure cleanup - Memory limits should be enforced - Large objects require streaming - Garbage collection timing matters

Dependencies: - requests: HTTP client with security features - pathlib: Secure path operations - json: Data serialization - logging: Security event tracking - dotenv: Environment management - hashlib: Cryptographic operations

exception SecurityError[source]

Bases: Exception

Custom exception for security-related errors

initialize_environment() Dict[source]

Initialize and validate environment variables


Configuration dictionary containing validated environment variables

Return type:


  • EnvironmentError – If required environment variables are missing

  • SecurityError – If environment variables contain invalid values

class CryptoCache[source]

Bases: object

A cryptocurrency data caching system that provides secure data retrieval and storage. Implements rate limiting, input validation, and proper error handling.


Initialize CryptoCache with configuration from environment variables

  • SecurityError – If security requirements are not met

  • EnvironmentError – If required configuration is missing

get_available_cryptocurrencies() List[Dict][source]

Retrieve list of available cryptocurrencies with market data


List of cryptocurrency information including:
  • id: Unique identifier

  • symbol: Trading symbol (uppercase)

  • name: Full name

  • current_price: Current price in USD

Return type:


  • RequestException – If API request fails

  • SecurityError – If data validation fails

get_crypto_prices(crypto_ids: List[str], currency: str = 'USD') Dict[source]

Get current cryptocurrency prices for specified currencies

  • crypto_ids (List[str]) – List of cryptocurrency IDs to fetch

  • currency (str) – Target currency for prices (default: USD)


Dictionary mapping crypto IDs to their prices in the specified currency
Format: {

‘bitcoin’: {‘usd’: 50000.00}, ‘ethereum’: {‘usd’: 3000.00}


Return type:


  • SecurityError – If input validation fails

  • RequestException – If API request fails

get_exchange_rate(from_currency: str = 'USD', to_currency: str = 'EUR') float[source]

Get exchange rate between two currencies

  • from_currency (str) – Source currency code (default: USD)

  • to_currency (str) – Target currency code (default: EUR)


Exchange rate from source to target currency

Returns 1.0 if request fails

Return type:


get(key: str) Dict | None[source]

Retrieve and validate cached data


key (str) – Cache key to retrieve


Cached value if valid and not expired, None otherwise

Return type:


set(key: str, value: any) None[source]

Store data in cache

  • key (str) – Cache key

  • value – Value to cache


SecurityError – If cache write fails


Enhanced Portfolio Metrics Calculator Version: 2.0 Author: [Gabriel Cellammare] Last Modified: [05/01/2025]

This module provides precise financial calculations for cryptocurrency portfolio analysis with comprehensive error handling, input validation, and proper decimal arithmetic.

Financial Calculation Features: 1. Decimal-based precise numerical handling 2. Comprehensive error handling 3. Robust input validation 4. Proper logging 5. Currency validation 6. Threshold-based zero handling 7. Controlled numerical precision 8. Explicit error states

Dependencies: - decimal: For precise numerical calculations - logging: For proper error tracking - typing: For type hints

class Currency(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Valid currency denominations

exception PortfolioCalculationError[source]

Bases: Exception

Base exception for portfolio calculation errors

exception InvalidInputError[source]

Bases: PortfolioCalculationError

Exception for invalid input data

exception CurrencyError[source]

Bases: PortfolioCalculationError

Exception for currency-related errors

validate_numeric_input(value: str | float | Decimal, field_name: str) Decimal[source]

Validate and convert numeric input to Decimal.

  • value – The value to validate

  • field_name – Name of the field for error messages


The validated and converted value

Return type:



InvalidInputError – If value is invalid

validate_currency(currency: str) str[source]

Validate currency denomination.


currency – Currency code to validate


Validated currency code

Return type:



CurrencyError – If currency is invalid

calculate_portfolio_metrics(portfolio_item: Dict[str, str | float | Decimal], current_price: str | float | Decimal, currency: str = 'USD') Dict[str, Decimal | str | None][source]

Calculate Financial Metrics for Portfolio Position with precise decimal arithmetic.

Processes a portfolio position and calculates key financial metrics including current value, profit/loss, and percentage returns.

  • portfolio_item – Portfolio position containing: - amount: Asset quantity - purchase_price: Entry price

  • current_price – Current market price

  • currency – Currency denomination (default: ‘USD’)


Financial metrics including:
  • current_price: Market price

  • current_value: Position value

  • profit_loss: Absolute P/L

  • profit_loss_percentage: Relative P/L

  • currency: Denomination currency

  • error: Error message if calculation failed

Return type:


Financial Safety: - Decimal arithmetic for precision - Comprehensive input validation - Specific error handling - Proper logging - Currency validation - Threshold-based zero handling - Controlled rounding


exception AuthError(error: str, status_code: int)[source]

Bases: Exception

Custom exception class for authentication and token-related errors.

This class provides structured error handling for authentication operations, including status codes for proper HTTP response handling.


Descriptive error message




HTTP status code for the error




raise AuthError(“Token expired”, 401)

__init__(error: str, status_code: int)[source]
class TokenJWTHandling(db, cipher)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(db, cipher)[source]

Initialize secure token handling with database and encryption support.

This constructor sets up the token management system with proper security configuration and initializes the required dependencies.

  • db – Firestore database instance for token storage

  • cipher – AESCipher instance for data encryption/decryption

Security Features:
  • Protected configuration loading

  • Secure key management

  • Rate limit configuration

  • Token lifecycle settings

Environment Variables:

JWT_SECRET_KEY: Secret key for token signing

get_user_token_history(user_id: str, since: datetime) list[source]

Retrieve a user’s token generation history with secure filtering.

This method securely queries the database for a user’s token history, applying proper time-based filtering and status validation.

  • user_id (str) – Unique identifier of the user

  • since (datetime) – Starting timestamp for history retrieval


Filtered list of token history records

Return type:


  • Query parameter validation

  • Status filtering

  • Time-based constraints

check_token_request_eligibility(user_id: str) Tuple[bool, datetime | None, str | None][source]

Validate token request eligibility based on security policies.

This method implements rate limiting and cooldown periods for token generation to prevent abuse and ensure secure token management.


user_id (str) – Unique identifier of the requesting user


  • Boolean indicating eligibility

  • Next eligible timestamp if applicable

  • Error message if request is denied

Return type:

Tuple[bool, Optional[datetime], Optional[str]]

  • Daily limit enforcement

  • Cooldown period validation

  • Request tracking

  • Time-based restrictions

expire_previous_tokens(user_id: str) None[source]

Invalidate all active tokens for a user with secure state transitions.

This method implements secure token expiration with proper audit logging and atomic database operations to maintain token lifecycle integrity.


user_id (str) – User identifier whose tokens should be expired

Security Features:
  • Batch operations for atomicity

  • Secure decryption for validation

  • Status transition logging

  • Time-based validation

  • Audit trail creation

Operations Flow:
  1. Retrieve user’s cryptographic salt

  2. Query active tokens

  3. Validate and decrypt tokens

  4. Batch update expired status

  5. Create audit logs

Protected State Transitions:
  • Active to Expired status

  • Timestamp recording

  • Reason documentation

get_active_token(user_id: str) Dict[str, Any] | None[source]

Retrieve the current active token for a user with validation.

This method securely fetches and validates the most recent active token, performing necessary decryption and expiration checks.


user_id (str) – User identifier to check for active tokens


Active token information if valid, None otherwise

Return type:

Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Security Features:
  • Salt-based decryption

  • Time-based validation

  • Status verification

  • Secure ordering

  • Query limiting

Validation Checks:
  • Token existence

  • Expiration status

  • Decryption integrity

  • Time validity

generate_tokens(user_id: str) Dict[str, Any][source]

Generate new JWT tokens with secure storage and rate limiting.

This method creates new JWT tokens with proper security measures, including rate limiting, encryption, and secure storage operations.


user_id (str) – User identifier for token generation


Generated token information including expiration and next request time

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]


AuthError – For rate limit violations (429) or generation failures (500)

Security Features:
  • Rate limit enforcement

  • Previous token expiration

  • Secure JWT creation

  • Protected storage

  • Device tracking

Token Properties:
  • Expiration time

  • Creation timestamp

  • User binding

  • Device information

  • Request cooldown

get_token_creation_time(token: str) datetime | None[source]

Extract token creation timestamp from JWT claims securely.

This method safely decodes JWT claims to retrieve the token creation time with proper error handling and validation.


token (str) – JWT token to analyze


Token creation timestamp if valid, None otherwise

Return type:


Security Features:
  • Secure JWT decoding

  • Signature validation

  • Time parsing protection

  • Error isolation


Protect routes with comprehensive JWT validation and security checks.

This decorator implements complete token validation including signature verification, database validation, and proper user session binding.


f (Callable) – The route function to protect


Protected route function

Return type:


Security Features:
  • Token presence validation

  • JWT signature verification

  • Database token validation

  • Expiration checking

  • User session binding

  • Error logging

Validation Flow:
  1. Token format verification

  2. JWT signature validation

  3. Token type checking

  4. Database record validation

  5. Expiration verification

  6. User session binding


AuthError – Various 401 status codes for different validation failures - Missing token - Invalid signature - Token not found - Token expired - Verification failed

Indices and tables