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Detailed Module Documentation
CryptoCache: Advanced Security Framework for Flask Applications Version: 1.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 05/01/2025
This module implements a comprehensive security framework for Flask applications with defense-in-depth measures and robust security controls. It provides multi-layered protection against various attack vectors while ensuring data integrity and secure cross-origin communications.
Core Security Features: 1. Origin Validation
Strict origin validation with DNS rebinding protection
Null byte injection prevention
IP-based origin validation
Protocol enforcement
Environment Security * Secure environment variable handling * Runtime modification prevention * Default security fallbacks * Configuration immutability
CORS Protection * Header injection prevention * Strict CORS policy enforcement * Secure credential handling * Cache poisoning protection
Audit & Logging * Secure audit logging * Log sanitization * Rotation policies * Sensitive data masking
Security Considerations: - All environment variables must be securely configured - SSL/TLS must be properly configured on the server - Regular security audits should be performed - Security updates should be monitored and applied
Dependencies: - flask>=2.0.0: Web framework - urllib3>=2.0.0: HTTP client - cryptography>=41.0.0: Cryptographic operations - python-dotenv>=1.0.0: Environment management
- exception ConfigurationError[source]
Specific exception for configuration security issues.
- class SecurityHeaders(HSTS: str = 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains', CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS: str = 'nosniff', FRAME_OPTIONS: str = 'DENY', XSS_PROTECTION: str = '1; mode=block', REFERRER_POLICY: str = 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin', PERMITTED_CROSS_DOMAIN_POLICIES: str = 'none', CSP: str = "default-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data: https:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://cdn.jsdelivr.net https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://cdn.jsdelivr.net https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com https://code.jquery.com; font-src 'self' https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com; connect-src 'self' https://*.ngrok-free.app https://*.ngrok.io; frame-ancestors 'none';")[source]
Immutable security headers configuration.
- HSTS: str = 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains'
- CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS: str = 'nosniff'
- XSS_PROTECTION: str = '1; mode=block'
- REFERRER_POLICY: str = 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'
- CSP: str = "default-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data: https:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://cdn.jsdelivr.net https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://cdn.jsdelivr.net https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com https://code.jquery.com; font-src 'self' https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com; connect-src 'self' https://*.ngrok-free.app https://*.ngrok.io; frame-ancestors 'none';"
- __init__(HSTS: str = 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains', CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS: str = 'nosniff', FRAME_OPTIONS: str = 'DENY', XSS_PROTECTION: str = '1; mode=block', REFERRER_POLICY: str = 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin', PERMITTED_CROSS_DOMAIN_POLICIES: str = 'none', CSP: str = "default-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data: https:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://cdn.jsdelivr.net https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://cdn.jsdelivr.net https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com https://code.jquery.com; font-src 'self' https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com; connect-src 'self' https://*.ngrok-free.app https://*.ngrok.io; frame-ancestors 'none';") None
- class EnvironmentConfig(origins: ~typing.List[str] = <factory>, max_requests: int = 100, request_window: int = 3600)[source]
Immutable environment-specific configuration.
- origins: List[str]
- max_requests: int = 100
- request_window: int = 3600
- __init__(origins: ~typing.List[str] = <factory>, max_requests: int = 100, request_window: int = 3600) None
- class SecureConfig[source]
Enhanced secure configuration manager for Flask applications.
This class manages secure configuration settings including CORS policies, security headers, and environment-specific settings. It implements multiple layers of security controls and validation.
- DEFAULT_CORS_MAX_AGE: int = 3600
- DEFAULT_HSTS_MAX_AGE: int = 31536000
- SUPPORTED_ENVIRONMENTS: Set[str] = frozenset({'development', 'production'})
- ORIGIN_PATTERN: Pattern = re.compile('^https?://(?:(?:\\*\\.)?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}(?::\\d{1,5})?|localhost(?::\\d{1,5})?|127\\.0\\.0\\.1(?::\\d{1,5})?|\\[::1\\](?::\\d{1,5})?)$')
Enhanced Flask Application Initializer Version: 1.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 05/01/2025
This module implements a secure Flask application initialization system with strong focus on configuration security, authentication protection, and secure environment management.
Security Features: 1. Environment Protection
Secure secret key management
Protected environment variables
Encryption key validation
Configuration isolation
Authentication Security - OAuth provider protection - Secure callback handling - Protected client credentials - Token management safety
Server Security - CORS protection - Firebase security - Development tunnel safety - Session management
Configuration Management - Protected variable handling - Secure initialization - Error isolation - Safe defaults
Security Considerations: - All sensitive configuration is validated - OAuth credentials are protected - Environment variables are verified - Development modes are isolated - Error states provide safe defaults - CORS is strictly configured - Firebase credentials are protected - Tunneling is secured in development
Dependencies: - flask: Web application framework - authlib: OAuth implementation - firebase_admin: Firebase operations - python-dotenv: Environment management - os
- validate_environment_variables(required_vars: list) None [source]
Securely validate presence and format of required environment variables.
- Parameters:
required_vars – List of required environment variable names
- Raises:
ValueError – If any required variable is missing or invalid
Security measures: - Presence verification - Format validation - Error isolation
- validate_secret_key(key: str) None [source]
Validate the security of the Flask secret key.
- Parameters:
key – Secret key to validate
- Raises:
ValueError – If key doesn’t meet security requirements
Security measures: - Length verification - Entropy checking - Format validation
- secure_firebase_init() None [source]
Securely initialize Firebase with proper credential handling.
- Raises:
FileNotFoundError – If credential file is missing
ValueError – If credentials are invalid
Security measures: - Path validation - Credential verification - Error isolation
- create_app(secure_config) Flask [source]
Creates and configures a secure Flask application instance.
- Returns:
Configured Flask application
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – On security configuration failures
ConfigurationError – On CORS configuration failures
Security measures: - Secure initialization - Protected configuration - Error isolation
- configure_development_environment(app: Flask) None [source]
Configure secure development environment settings.
- Parameters:
app – Flask application instance
Security measures: - Tunnel protection - URL validation - Error isolation
Enhanced Ngrok Tunnel Manager Version: 1.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 05/01/2025
This module implements secure ngrok tunnel management with a strong focus on memory safety, secure state persistence, and protected network operations.
Security Features: 1. Connection Protection
Secure tunnel establishment
Protected URL management
SSL/TLS verification
Timeout protection
State Management Security - Secure file operations - Protected state persistence - Memory-safe operations - Automatic cleanup
Configuration Security - Protected environment variables - Secure token handling - Region validation - Safe defaults
Error Management - Secure error recovery - Non-revealing messages - Protected logging - Failsafe defaults
Security Considerations: - All sensitive data is automatically cleaned up - Network operations are protected - Logging excludes sensitive information - File operations are secure - Error states provide safe defaults
Dependencies: - pyngrok: For ngrok tunnel operations - requests: For secure HTTP operations - flask: For application integration - pathlib: For secure file operations
- class NgrokManager(app=None)[source]
Manages ngrok tunnel configuration and persistence with security focus. Implements secure tunnel creation, URL management, and state persistence.
Security Features: - Protected tunnel operations - Secure state management - Memory-safe cleanup - Protected logging
- __init__(app=None)[source]
Initialize NgrokManager with security considerations.
- Parameters:
app – Optional Flask application instance
Security measures: - Secure logger initialization - Protected file operations - Safe defaults
Documentation Generator Security Framework Version: 1.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 05/01/2025
This module implements a secure and robust documentation generation system with a strong focus on module discovery protection, configuration security, and safe file system operations.
Security Features: 1. File System Protection
Secure path traversal prevention
Protected file operations
Safe directory creation
Path validation and sanitization
Module Security - Protected module discovery - Secure import handling - Module isolation - Safe module resolution
Documentation Security - Protected configuration generation - Secure theme handling - Safe template management - Output isolation
Configuration Management - Protected variable handling - Secure initialization - Error isolation - Safe defaults
Security Considerations: - All file paths are validated and sanitized - Module imports are protected - Configuration files are isolated - Development artifacts are protected - Error states provide safe defaults - Directory traversal is prevented - Module resolution is secured - Output paths are protected
Dependencies: - sphinx: Documentation generation framework - pdoc: Alternative documentation generator - pathlib: Secure path operations - importlib: Protected module importing
- class DocGenerator(project_dir: str, output_dir: str)[source]
A class that automates documentation generation from Python source files.
This class provides functionality to: 1. Discover Python modules in a project directory 2. Generate documentation using either Sphinx or pdoc 3. Handle configuration and setup for documentation generation 4. Provide error handling and fallback options
- project_dir
Root directory containing Python source files
- Type:
- output_dir
Directory where documentation will be generated
- Type:
- has_rtd_theme
Flag indicating if sphinx_rtd_theme is available
- Type:
- python_files
Mapping of module names to file paths
- Type:
Dict[str, Path]
- __init__(project_dir: str, output_dir: str)[source]
Initialize the documentation generator with project and output directories.
- Parameters:
project_dir – Root directory containing Python source files
output_dir – Directory where documentation will be generated
- Raises:
ValueError – If no Python files are found in the project directory
TypeError – If input parameters are not str or Path objects
- setup_sphinx() None [source]
Set up Sphinx configuration and create necessary directory structure.
This method: 1. Creates required Sphinx directories 2. Generates conf.py with project configuration 3. Creates index.rst with module documentation structure 4. Configures theme and extensions
- Raises:
IOError – If unable to create necessary files or directories
- generate_sphinx_docs() None [source]
Generate Sphinx documentation for all discovered Python files.
This method: 1. Sets up Sphinx configuration 2. Builds HTML documentation 3. Handles errors and provides theme fallback
- Raises:
Exception – If documentation generation fails after fallback attempts
- generate_pdoc_docs() None [source]
Generate pdoc documentation for all discovered Python files.
This method: 1. Adds project directory to Python path 2. Generates HTML documentation using pdoc 3. Outputs documentation to specified directory
- Raises:
Exception – If pdoc documentation generation fails
Secure Cryptographic Operations Framework Version: 1.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 05/01/2025 This module implements a comprehensive cryptographic system with a strong focus on secure memory management, user identity protection, and robust encryption operations. It provides a defense-in-depth approach to protecting sensitive data through multiple layers of security controls and careful memory handling. Core Security Features:
Memory Protection
Secure byte array implementation for sensitive data Automatic memory zeroing after operations Protected key material handling Managed cleanup of cryptographic artifacts
Encryption Operations
AES-256-CBC encryption with PKCS7 padding Secure initialization vector management Salt generation and validation Protected cipher operations
Key Management
Secure key derivation using PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA3-256 User-specific key isolation Master key protection Salt management for key derivation
Identity Protection
Secure user ID hashing with HMAC-SHA256 Protected hash verification Timing attack prevention Base64 URL-safe encoding
Security Considerations:
All cryptographic operations use constant-time comparisons Memory containing sensitive data is securely erased Side-channel attack protections are implemented Cryptographic error states are safely handled Key material is protected throughout its lifecycle User identities are consistently hashed Encryption operations are isolated per user
-cryptography: Core cryptographic operations -secure_byte_array: Protected memory management -hashlib: Hashing operations -base64: Secure encoding -typing: Type safety -logging: Security event tracking
- class AESCipher(master_key: str | bytes | SecureByteArray)[source]
Secure implementation of AES encryption with protected memory management and user ID hashing.
This class provides: - AES-256-CBC encryption with secure key derivation - Secure memory management using SecureByteArray - Protection against timing and side-channel attacks - Automatic PKCS7 padding management - Secure user ID hashing with HMAC-SHA256 and base64 encoding
AES block size in bytes
- Type:
Key length in bytes
- Type:
Initialization vector length
- Type:
Salt length for key derivation
- Type:
Number of iterations for key derivation
- Type:
- IV_LENGTH = 16
- __init__(master_key: str | bytes | SecureByteArray)[source]
Initializes the AES cipher with a master key and optional app secret for user ID hashing.
- Parameters:
master_key – Master key as string, bytes, or SecureByteArray
- Raises:
CryptographicError – If the master key is invalid
- hash_user_id(provider: str, original_id: str) str [source]
Generates a secure and consistent hash of the user ID using HMAC-SHA256, encoded in URL-safe base64 format.
- Parameters:
provider – OAuth provider identifier (e.g., ‘google’, ‘github’)
original_id – Original user ID from the provider
- Returns:
Base64 encoded hash, URL-safe without padding
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If provider or original_id is empty
CryptographicError – If hashing fails
- verify_user_id_hash(provider: str, original_id: str, hashed_id: str) bool [source]
Verifies if a base64 encoded hash matches a given user ID using constant-time comparison.
- Parameters:
provider – OAuth provider identifier
original_id – Original user ID
hashed_id – Base64 encoded hash to verify
- Returns:
True if the hash matches, False otherwise
- Return type:
- Raises:
CryptographicError – If verification fails
- generate_salt() SecureByteArray [source]
Generates a cryptographically secure salt.
- Returns:
Generated salt
- Return type:
- derive_key(user_id: str, salt: bytes | SecureByteArray) SecureByteArray [source]
Derives a user-specific key using PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA3-256.
- Parameters:
user_id – User identifier
salt – Salt for key derivation
- Returns:
Derived key
- Return type:
- Raises:
CryptographicError – If key derivation fails
- encrypt(data: Any, user_id: str, salt: bytes | SecureByteArray) bytes [source]
Encrypts data using AES-256-CBC with secure memory management.
- Parameters:
data – Data to encrypt (can be any JSON serializable type)
user_id – User identifier
salt – Salt for key derivation
- Returns:
Encrypted data encoded in base64
- Return type:
- Raises:
CryptographicError – If encryption fails
- decrypt(encrypted_data: str | bytes | SecureByteArray, user_id: str, salt: bytes | SecureByteArray) Any [source]
Decrypts data with secure memory management.
- Parameters:
encrypted_data – Encrypted data (can be string, bytes, or SecureByteArray)
user_id – User identifier
salt – Salt used for encryption
- Returns:
Decrypted data (JSON object or string)
- Return type:
Enhanced Portfolio Metrics Calculator Version: 1.0 Author: [Gabriel Cellammare] Last Modified: [05/01/2025]
This module implements secure portfolio data encryption and decryption with a strong focus on memory safety, cryptographic best practices, and secure data handling.
Security Features: 1. Memory Protection
Secure memory allocation and deallocation
Multiple-pass memory wiping
Protected memory regions for sensitive data
Automatic cleanup of sensitive information
Cryptographic Security - AES encryption for sensitive data - Secure key and salt handling - Isolation of cryptographic operations - Protection against timing attacks
Error Handling - Secure error recovery - Non-revealing error messages - Protected logging of sensitive data - Failsafe defaults for errors
Input/Output Safety - Strict type validation - Secure conversion operations - Protected field handling - Safe defaults for failures
Security Considerations: - All sensitive data is automatically wiped from memory - Cryptographic operations are isolated - Logging excludes sensitive information - Memory is protected against unauthorized access - Type conversions are handled securely - Error states provide safe defaults
Dependencies: - cryptography_utils.AESCipher: For encryption operations - secure_byte_array.SecureByteArray: For secure memory operations
- exception PortfolioEncryptionError[source]
Custom exception for portfolio encryption errors.
Security: - Does not expose internal state - Provides generic error messages - Protects against information leakage
- class PortfolioEncryption(cipher: AESCipher)[source]
Secure portfolio data encryption implementation.
Security Architecture: 1. Memory Safety
Automatic memory cleanup
Protected memory regions
Secure memory wiping
Isolation of sensitive data
Cryptographic Operations - Secure key management - Protected encryption/decryption - Salt handling - Timing attack protection
Data Protection - Secure type conversion - Protected field handling - Safe default values - Error state handling
Access Control - Initialization verification - Operation isolation - Memory access control - Cleanup guarantees
Usage Warnings: 1. Memory Management
Always use with context managers
Verify cleanup completion
Monitor memory usage
Check cleanup logs
Error Handling - Implement proper exception catching - Verify error states - Check return values - Monitor error logs
Cryptographic Safety - Protect key material - Verify salt uniqueness - Monitor operation logs - Check integrity
- SENSITIVE_FIELDS = frozenset({'amount', 'purchase_date', 'purchase_price'})
- DEFAULT_NUMERIC_VALUE = Decimal('0.0')
- logger = <Logger security.cryptography.portfolio_encryption (INFO)>
- __init__(cipher: AESCipher)[source]
Initialize encryption system with security verification.
Security Operations: 1. Cipher validation
Verify interface compliance
Check method availability
Validate initialization
Memory preparation - Initialize secure buffers - Prepare cleanup tracking - Set up protection
State verification - Check initialization status - Verify configurations - Validate security settings
- Parameters:
cipher – AESCipher instance for cryptographic operations
- Raises:
PortfolioEncryptionError – On security verification failure
Security Checks: - Cipher interface verification - Memory initialization - Protection setup - State validation
- encrypt_portfolio_item(item: Dict, user_id: str, salt: SecureByteArray) Dict [source]
Securely encrypts portfolio item data with memory protection.
- Parameters:
item – Portfolio data to encrypt
user_id – User identifier
salt – Cryptographic salt
- Returns:
Encrypted portfolio data
- Return type:
- Raises:
PortfolioEncryptionError – If encryption fails
- Security:
Validates input parameters
Implements secure memory handling
Automatic cleanup of sensitive data
- decrypt_portfolio_item(encrypted_item: Dict, user_id: str, salt: SecureByteArray) Dict [source]
Securely decrypts portfolio item data with memory protection.
- Parameters:
encrypted_item – Encrypted portfolio data
user_id – User identifier
salt – Cryptographic salt
- Returns:
Decrypted portfolio data
- Return type:
- Security:
Validates encrypted data integrity
Implements secure memory handling
Provides safe defaults for failures
Enhanced CSRF Protection System Version: 2.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 09/01/2025
A comprehensive Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection system designed for Flask applications with emphasis on security, scalability, and compliance with modern web security standards.
Key Features: 1. JavaScript Origin Validation - Ensures requests originate from legitimate sources using cryptographic signatures 2. Request Origin Binding - Links tokens to specific origins and validates request chains 3. Enhanced Token Protection - Uses encryption and HMAC validation with secure token lifecycle management 4. Anti-Automation Measures - Implements rate limiting and request pattern analysis 5. Request Chain Validation - Tracks and validates request sequences to prevent replay attacks
Security Measures: - Implements double-submit cookie pattern - Uses cryptographic signatures for request validation - Supports both development and production environments with appropriate security levels - Includes comprehensive header security - Implements token expiration and rotation - Provides protection against timing attacks - Includes DOS protection mechanisms
- Usage:
from csrf_protection import CSRFProtection
app = Flask(__name__) csrf = CSRFProtection(app)
@app.route(‘/protected’, methods=[‘POST’]) @csrf.csrf_protect def protected_route():
return ‘Protected endpoint’
- Dependencies:
Python 3.7+
- Environment Variables:
FLASK_ENV: ‘development’ or ‘production’
DEV_ALLOWED_ORIGINS: Comma-separated list of allowed origins for development
PROD_ALLOWED_ORIGINS: Comma-separated list of allowed origins for production
- class CSRFProtection(app: Flask | None = None)[source]
- __init__(app: Flask | None = None)[source]
Initializes Flask application with comprehensive security configurations.
- Parameters:
app (Flask) – The Flask application instance to configure
- Security Configurations:
Session security settings
Origin validation rules
HTTPS enforcement
Security headers
Environment-specific configurations
- Environment Handling:
Development: Allows local testing and ngrok domains
Production: Strict security controls
- Implementation Details:
Configures session parameters
Sets up request hooks for HTTPS and headers
Initializes origin validation
Establishes environment-specific rate limits
- Raises:
Exception – If initialization fails, with detailed error logging
- init_app(app: Flask) None [source]
Initialize application with comprehensive security configurations.
This method configures the Flask application with security features, sets up session handling, and initializes OAuth providers.
- Parameters:
app (Flask) – The Flask application instance to configure
- Security Features:
Session security settings
Origin validation rules
HTTPS enforcement
Security headers
Environment-specific configurations
- Environment Handling:
Development: Allows local testing and ngrok domains
Production: Strict security controls
- Implementation Details:
Configures session parameters
Sets up request hooks for HTTPS and headers
Initializes origin validation
Establishes environment-specific rate limits
- Raises:
Exception – If initialization fails, with detailed error logging
- set_csrf_cookie(response: Response, token: str) None [source]
Sets CSRF token cookie with secure settings and domain binding.
- Parameters:
response (Response) – Flask response object to modify
token (str) – CSRF token to set in cookie
- Security Features:
Secure flag enabled
HttpOnly flag enabled
SameSite attribute set to ‘Lax’
Domain-bound cookies
Appropriate expiration time
Automatically detects and uses appropriate domain from request
Implements security best practices for cookie attributes
Handles empty token gracefully
- generate_token(require_user_id=True) Tuple[str, Response] [source]
Generate CSRF token and prepare secure response. Now returns both token and properly configured response.
- validate_token_request(token: str) bool [source]
Performs comprehensive validation of CSRF token and associated request headers.
- Parameters:
token (str) – The CSRF token to validate
- Returns:
True if token and request headers pass all security checks
- Return type:
- Security Validations:
Token cryptographic validation
Origin header verification
Referrer header checking for same-origin
Request chain validation
Token usage counting
Implements defense in depth through multiple validation layers
Provides detailed logging for security events
Handles missing headers gracefully
>>> csrf.validate_token_request("eyJhbGc...") True # If token and request are valid
- generate_nonce() str [source]
Creates a cryptographically secure, single-use nonce with request binding.
- Returns:
Encrypted nonce containing request metadata
- Return type:
- Security Features:
Bound to user session
Request ID integration
Automatic expiration
Protection against replay attacks
DOS prevention through cleanup
- Implementation Details:
Uses Fernet symmetric encryption
Includes timestamp for expiration
Maintains maximum nonce limit
Implements automatic cleanup
- Raises:
Abort(403) – When JavaScript origin validation fails
- validate_nonce(nonce: str) bool [source]
Validates nonce with comprehensive security checks and request chain verification.
- Parameters:
nonce (str) – The nonce string to validate
- Returns:
True if nonce is valid and unused
- Return type:
- Security Checks:
Existence verification
Expiration validation
Payload decryption and validation
User session binding
Single-use enforcement
- Implementation Details:
Implements one-time use pattern
Automatic removal after use
Maintains encrypted payload integrity
Provides detailed error logging
Used in conjunction with token validation
Part of double-submit validation pattern
Implements defense against replay attacks
- csrf_protect(f: Callable) Callable [source]
Comprehensive CSRF protection decorator implementing multiple security layers.
- Parameters:
f (Callable) – The Flask route function to protect
- Returns:
Decorated function with CSRF protection
- Return type:
- Security Layers:
Nonce validation
Token validation
Origin verification
Request chain validation
- Usage:
@app.route(‘/api/data’, methods=[‘POST’]) @csrf_protect def protected_endpoint():
return ‘Protected data’
- Raises:
Abort(403) – When any security check fails - Invalid or missing nonce - Invalid or missing token - Invalid origin - Failed request chain validation
Enhanced Input Validation System Version: 1.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 05/01/2025
This module implements a comprehensive input validation system with strong focus on security, data sanitization, and protection against common web vulnerabilities.
Security Features: 1. Input Sanitization
NoSQL injection prevention
XSS protection
HTML encoding
Special character handling
Data type validation
Validation Protection - Strict type checking - Pattern validation - Range validation - Length constraints - Custom validation hooks
Data Security - Protected field handling - Safe type conversion - Secure date parsing - Protected numeric operations - Field access control
Error Management - Secure error reporting - Non-revealing messages - Protected validation state - Safe error recovery
Security Considerations: - All input is sanitized before processing - Pattern matching is strictly controlled - Type conversions are handled securely - Error messages don’t leak internal details - Validation rules are immutable - Date ranges are strictly enforced - Numeric values are bounded - Custom validators are protected
Dependencies: - validators: For email and URL validation - datetime: For secure date handling - re: For pattern matching - typing: For type validation
- exception ValidationError(field: str, message: str)[source]
Secure exception class for validation errors.
Security Features: - Sanitized error messages - Protected field names - Safe string representation
- class InputType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Secure enumeration of allowed input types.
Security Features: - Immutable type definitions - Protected value access - Controlled type expansion
- STRING = 'string'
- NUMBER = 'number'
- DATE = 'date'
- EMAIL = 'email'
- URL = 'url'
- CRYPTO_ID = 'crypto_id'
- CURRENCY = 'currency'
- JWT = 'jwt'
- class ValidationRule(required: bool = True, type: InputType = InputType.STRING, min_length: int | None = None, max_length: int | None = None, min_value: int | float | None = None, max_value: int | float | None = None, pattern: str | None = None, allowed_values: List[Any] | None = None, custom_validator: callable | None = None)[source]
Immutable validation rule configuration.
Security Features: - Frozen dataclass prevents modification - Type-checked attributes - Protected validator references
- required: bool = True
- min_length: int | None = None
- max_length: int | None = None
- min_value: int | float | None = None
- max_value: int | float | None = None
- pattern: str | None = None
- allowed_values: List[Any] | None = None
- custom_validator: callable | None = None
- __init__(required: bool = True, type: InputType = InputType.STRING, min_length: int | None = None, max_length: int | None = None, min_value: int | float | None = None, max_value: int | float | None = None, pattern: str | None = None, allowed_values: List[Any] | None = None, custom_validator: callable | None = None) None
- class InputValidator[source]
Secure input validation system with comprehensive protection against common vulnerabilities.
Security Features: - Input sanitization - Type validation - Pattern matching - Range checking - Custom validation hooks
- PATTERNS = {'crypto_id': '^[a-z0-9-]+$', 'currency': '^[A-Z]{3}$', 'jwt': '^[A-Za-z0-9-_=]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9-_=]+\\.?[A-Za-z0-9-_.+/=]*$'}
- COMMON_RULES = {'auth': {'code': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.STRING: 'string'>, min_length=20, max_length=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None), 'provider': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.STRING: 'string'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=['google', 'github'], custom_validator=None), 'state': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.STRING: 'string'>, min_length=32, max_length=64, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None)}, 'currency_preference': {'currency': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.CURRENCY: 'currency'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern='^[A-Z]{3}$', allowed_values=['USD', 'EUR'], custom_validator=None)}, 'portfolio_add': {'amount': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.NUMBER: 'number'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=1e-07, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None), 'crypto_id': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.CRYPTO_ID: 'crypto_id'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern='^[a-z0-9-]+$', allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None), 'purchase_date': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.DATE: 'date'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None), 'purchase_price': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.NUMBER: 'number'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=0, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None), 'symbol': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.STRING: 'string'>, min_length=1, max_length=10, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None)}, 'portfolio_update': {'amount': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.NUMBER: 'number'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=1e-07, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None), 'purchase_date': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.DATE: 'date'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None), 'purchase_price': ValidationRule(required=True, type=<InputType.NUMBER: 'number'>, min_length=None, max_length=None, min_value=0, max_value=None, pattern=None, allowed_values=None, custom_validator=None)}}
- MIN_ALLOWED_DATE = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0)
- static sanitize_input(value: str) str [source]
Securely sanitize string input to prevent injection attacks.
- Parameters:
value – Input string to sanitize
- Returns:
Sanitized string safe for processing
Security measures: - NoSQL operator removal - HTML character encoding - Special character handling - Type checking
- classmethod validate_value(value: Any, rule: ValidationRule) Any [source]
Securely validate a single value against defined rules.
- Parameters:
value – Input value to validate
rule – ValidationRule to apply
- Returns:
Validated and potentially transformed value
Security measures: - Type validation - Range checking - Pattern matching - Custom validation protection
- classmethod validate_request_data(data: Dict[str, Any], rules: Dict[str, ValidationRule]) Dict[str, Any] [source]
Securely validate complete request data against defined rules.
- Parameters:
data – Dictionary of input data
rules – Dictionary of validation rules
- Returns:
Dictionary of validated data
Security measures: - Unknown field detection - Complete validation coverage - Protected field access - Secure type conversion
- classmethod validate_portfolio_add(data: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any] [source]
Secure validation for portfolio additions.
FirebaseRateLimiter: Distributed Rate Limiting Implementation Version: 1.0 Author: [Gabriel Cellammare] Last Modified: [05/01/2025]
This module provides a distributed rate limiting solution using Firebase Firestore: - Scalable rate limiting across multiple instances - Automatic cleanup of expired entries - Transaction-based atomic operations - Probabilistic maintenance
Security Features: 1. Transaction-based updates 2. Automatic data cleanup 3. Error handling and logging 4. Atomic operations 5. Time-window based limiting
Dependencies: - firebase_admin.firestore - flask.current_app - logging - time - random
- class FirebaseRateLimitCleaner(db, collection_name: str = 'rate_limits')[source]
Cleanup Manager for Rate Limiting Data
Handles the periodic cleanup of expired rate limiting entries: - Batch processing to avoid timeouts - Configurable window sizes - Error handling and logging
Security Features: - Batched operations - Error isolation - Logging of operations
- __init__(db, collection_name: str = 'rate_limits')[source]
Initialize the rate limit cleaner.
- Parameters:
db – Firestore client instance
collection_name – Collection name for rate limits
Security: - Validates inputs - Configures logging
- clean_expired_entries(window_seconds: int = 3600, batch_size: int = 500) int [source]
Remove expired rate limit entries.
- Parameters:
window_seconds – Time window in seconds
batch_size – Number of documents per batch
- Returns:
Number of deleted documents
- Return type:
Security: - Batched operations - Transaction safety - Error handling
- class FirebaseRateLimiter(db, max_requests: int = 100, window_seconds: int = 3600, ip_max_requests: int = 1000, ip_window_seconds: int = 3600, cleanup_probability: float = 0.001)[source]
- __init__(db, max_requests: int = 100, window_seconds: int = 3600, ip_max_requests: int = 1000, ip_window_seconds: int = 3600, cleanup_probability: float = 0.001)[source]
Initialize rate limiter.
- Parameters:
db – Firestore database instance
max_requests – Maximum requests per user window
window_seconds – Time window for user limits
ip_max_requests – Maximum requests per IP window
ip_window_seconds – Time window for IP limits
Security: - Input validation - Configuration logging - Cleanup initialization
SecureByteArray: Secure Memory Management Implementation Version: 1.0 Author: [Gabriel Cellammare] Last Modified: [05/01/2025]
This module provides a secure implementation for handling sensitive data in memory with: - Protected memory management - Anti-dumping measures - Secure data wiping - Automatic cleanup mechanisms
Security Features: 1. Memory Protection: Implements secure allocation and wiping 2. Anti-Dumping: Uses multiple overwrite passes 3. Context Management: Automatic cleanup 4. Access Control: Locking mechanism 5. Secure Random: Uses secrets module for cryptographic operations
Dependencies: - array (for byte array management) - ctypes (for low-level memory operations) - secrets (for cryptographic random generation) - logging (for security event tracking)
- exception MemorySecurityError[source]
Custom exception for memory security operations.
Used to distinguish memory security issues from standard exceptions. Provides specific error context for security-related failures.
- class SecureByteArray(data: bytes | bytearray | array | None = None)[source]
Secure Memory Management Implementation
Provides protected memory operations for sensitive data handling: - Secure memory allocation and deallocation - Protection against memory dumps - Multi-pass secure data wiping - Automatic memory cleanup - Memory access controls
Security Features: - Uses cryptographic random for overwriting - Implements multiple wipe passes - Verifies memory allocation - Provides memory locking - Implements secure copying
- Usage:
# Using as context manager (recommended) with SecureByteArray(sensitive_data) as secure_data:
processed_data = secure_data.to_bytes()
# Direct usage (requires manual cleanup) secure_data = SecureByteArray(sensitive_data) try:
processed_data = secure_data.to_bytes()
- finally:
- logger = <Logger security.secure_bye_array (INFO)>
- __init__(data: bytes | bytearray | array | None = None)[source]
Initialize secure byte array with optional data.
- Parameters:
data – Initial sensitive data (optional)
- Raises:
MemorySecurityError – On memory allocation failure
TypeError – On invalid input data type
Security: - Validates input types - Verifies memory allocation - Initializes security state
- secure_zero() None [source]
Securely wipe memory contents.
Security Implementation: - Multiple overwrite passes - Cryptographic random data - Final zero overwrite - Memory fence operations
- Raises:
MemorySecurityError – If secure wiping fails
- to_bytes() bytes [source]
Create secure copy of data.
- Returns:
Copy of protected data
- Return type:
- Raises:
MemorySecurityError – If array is locked
Security: - Validates lock state - Creates secure copy - Maintains original protection
CryptoCache: Advanced Cryptocurrency Data Security Framework Version: 1.0 Author: Gabriel Cellammare Last Modified: 05/01/2025
This module implements a comprehensive security framework for caching cryptocurrency pricing data with defense-in-depth measures and robust security controls. It provides multi-layered protection against various attack vectors while ensuring data integrity and secure API communications.
Core Security Features:
Data Protection - Secure cache file handling - Data validation and sanitization - Protected memory operations - Integrity verification
API Security - Rate limiting implementation - Request throttling - Secure HTTP headers - Response validation
Cache Management - Secure directory creation - Protected file operations - Timestamp validation - Data expiration controls
Error Handling - Comprehensive exception management - Secure logging practices - Fail-safe defaults - Recovery procedures
Security Considerations:
File System Security: - Cache directory permissions must be properly configured - File operations need atomic write protection - Path traversal prevention required - Temporary file handling must be secure
API Communication: - SSL/TLS verification should be enforced - API keys need secure storage - Request headers should be sanitized - Rate limiting must prevent DOS
Data Validation: - All input parameters require validation - Cache data must be verified - Response data needs sanitization - Type checking should be strict
Memory Management: - Sensitive data needs secure cleanup - Memory limits should be enforced - Large objects require streaming - Garbage collection timing matters
Dependencies: - requests: HTTP client with security features - pathlib: Secure path operations - json: Data serialization - logging: Security event tracking - dotenv: Environment management - hashlib: Cryptographic operations
- initialize_environment() Dict [source]
Initialize and validate environment variables
- Returns:
Configuration dictionary containing validated environment variables
- Return type:
- Raises:
EnvironmentError – If required environment variables are missing
SecurityError – If environment variables contain invalid values
- class CryptoCache[source]
A cryptocurrency data caching system that provides secure data retrieval and storage. Implements rate limiting, input validation, and proper error handling.
- __init__()[source]
Initialize CryptoCache with configuration from environment variables
- Raises:
SecurityError – If security requirements are not met
EnvironmentError – If required configuration is missing
- get_available_cryptocurrencies() List[Dict] [source]
Retrieve list of available cryptocurrencies with market data
- Returns:
- List of cryptocurrency information including:
id: Unique identifier
symbol: Trading symbol (uppercase)
name: Full name
current_price: Current price in USD
- Return type:
- Raises:
RequestException – If API request fails
SecurityError – If data validation fails
- get_crypto_prices(crypto_ids: List[str], currency: str = 'USD') Dict [source]
Get current cryptocurrency prices for specified currencies
- Parameters:
crypto_ids (List[str]) – List of cryptocurrency IDs to fetch
currency (str) – Target currency for prices (default: USD)
- Returns:
- Dictionary mapping crypto IDs to their prices in the specified currency
- Format: {
‘bitcoin’: {‘usd’: 50000.00}, ‘ethereum’: {‘usd’: 3000.00}
- Return type:
- Raises:
SecurityError – If input validation fails
RequestException – If API request fails
- get_exchange_rate(from_currency: str = 'USD', to_currency: str = 'EUR') float [source]
Get exchange rate between two currencies
- Parameters:
from_currency (str) – Source currency code (default: USD)
to_currency (str) – Target currency code (default: EUR)
- Returns:
- Exchange rate from source to target currency
Returns 1.0 if request fails
- Return type:
- get(key: str) Dict | None [source]
Retrieve and validate cached data
- Parameters:
key (str) – Cache key to retrieve
- Returns:
Cached value if valid and not expired, None otherwise
- Return type:
- set(key: str, value: any) None [source]
Store data in cache
- Parameters:
key (str) – Cache key
value – Value to cache
- Raises:
SecurityError – If cache write fails
Enhanced Portfolio Metrics Calculator Version: 2.0 Author: [Gabriel Cellammare] Last Modified: [05/01/2025]
This module provides precise financial calculations for cryptocurrency portfolio analysis with comprehensive error handling, input validation, and proper decimal arithmetic.
Financial Calculation Features: 1. Decimal-based precise numerical handling 2. Comprehensive error handling 3. Robust input validation 4. Proper logging 5. Currency validation 6. Threshold-based zero handling 7. Controlled numerical precision 8. Explicit error states
Dependencies: - decimal: For precise numerical calculations - logging: For proper error tracking - typing: For type hints
- class Currency(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Valid currency denominations
- USD = 'USD'
- EUR = 'EUR'
- exception PortfolioCalculationError[source]
Base exception for portfolio calculation errors
- exception InvalidInputError[source]
Exception for invalid input data
- exception CurrencyError[source]
Exception for currency-related errors
- validate_numeric_input(value: str | float | Decimal, field_name: str) Decimal [source]
Validate and convert numeric input to Decimal.
- Parameters:
value – The value to validate
field_name – Name of the field for error messages
- Returns:
The validated and converted value
- Return type:
- Raises:
InvalidInputError – If value is invalid
- validate_currency(currency: str) str [source]
Validate currency denomination.
- Parameters:
currency – Currency code to validate
- Returns:
Validated currency code
- Return type:
- Raises:
CurrencyError – If currency is invalid
- calculate_portfolio_metrics(portfolio_item: Dict[str, str | float | Decimal], current_price: str | float | Decimal, currency: str = 'USD') Dict[str, Decimal | str | None] [source]
Calculate Financial Metrics for Portfolio Position with precise decimal arithmetic.
Processes a portfolio position and calculates key financial metrics including current value, profit/loss, and percentage returns.
- Parameters:
portfolio_item – Portfolio position containing: - amount: Asset quantity - purchase_price: Entry price
current_price – Current market price
currency – Currency denomination (default: ‘USD’)
- Returns:
- Financial metrics including:
current_price: Market price
current_value: Position value
profit_loss: Absolute P/L
profit_loss_percentage: Relative P/L
currency: Denomination currency
error: Error message if calculation failed
- Return type:
Financial Safety: - Decimal arithmetic for precision - Comprehensive input validation - Specific error handling - Proper logging - Currency validation - Threshold-based zero handling - Controlled rounding
- exception AuthError(error: str, status_code: int)[source]
Custom exception class for authentication and token-related errors.
This class provides structured error handling for authentication operations, including status codes for proper HTTP response handling.
- error
Descriptive error message
- Type:
- status_code
HTTP status code for the error
- Type:
- Usage:
raise AuthError(“Token expired”, 401)
- class TokenJWTHandling(db, cipher)[source]
- __init__(db, cipher)[source]
Initialize secure token handling with database and encryption support.
This constructor sets up the token management system with proper security configuration and initializes the required dependencies.
- Parameters:
db – Firestore database instance for token storage
cipher – AESCipher instance for data encryption/decryption
- Security Features:
Protected configuration loading
Secure key management
Rate limit configuration
Token lifecycle settings
- Environment Variables:
JWT_SECRET_KEY: Secret key for token signing
- get_user_token_history(user_id: str, since: datetime) list [source]
Retrieve a user’s token generation history with secure filtering.
This method securely queries the database for a user’s token history, applying proper time-based filtering and status validation.
- Parameters:
user_id (str) – Unique identifier of the user
since (datetime) – Starting timestamp for history retrieval
- Returns:
Filtered list of token history records
- Return type:
- Security:
Query parameter validation
Status filtering
Time-based constraints
- check_token_request_eligibility(user_id: str) Tuple[bool, datetime | None, str | None] [source]
Validate token request eligibility based on security policies.
This method implements rate limiting and cooldown periods for token generation to prevent abuse and ensure secure token management.
- Parameters:
user_id (str) – Unique identifier of the requesting user
- Returns:
Boolean indicating eligibility
Next eligible timestamp if applicable
Error message if request is denied
- Return type:
Tuple[bool, Optional[datetime], Optional[str]]
- Security:
Daily limit enforcement
Cooldown period validation
Request tracking
Time-based restrictions
- expire_previous_tokens(user_id: str) None [source]
Invalidate all active tokens for a user with secure state transitions.
This method implements secure token expiration with proper audit logging and atomic database operations to maintain token lifecycle integrity.
- Parameters:
user_id (str) – User identifier whose tokens should be expired
- Security Features:
Batch operations for atomicity
Secure decryption for validation
Status transition logging
Time-based validation
Audit trail creation
- Operations Flow:
Retrieve user’s cryptographic salt
Query active tokens
Validate and decrypt tokens
Batch update expired status
Create audit logs
- Protected State Transitions:
Active to Expired status
Timestamp recording
Reason documentation
- get_active_token(user_id: str) Dict[str, Any] | None [source]
Retrieve the current active token for a user with validation.
This method securely fetches and validates the most recent active token, performing necessary decryption and expiration checks.
- Parameters:
user_id (str) – User identifier to check for active tokens
- Returns:
Active token information if valid, None otherwise
- Return type:
Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
- Security Features:
Salt-based decryption
Time-based validation
Status verification
Secure ordering
Query limiting
- Validation Checks:
Token existence
Expiration status
Decryption integrity
Time validity
- generate_tokens(user_id: str) Dict[str, Any] [source]
Generate new JWT tokens with secure storage and rate limiting.
This method creates new JWT tokens with proper security measures, including rate limiting, encryption, and secure storage operations.
- Parameters:
user_id (str) – User identifier for token generation
- Returns:
Generated token information including expiration and next request time
- Return type:
Dict[str, Any]
- Raises:
AuthError – For rate limit violations (429) or generation failures (500)
- Security Features:
Rate limit enforcement
Previous token expiration
Secure JWT creation
Protected storage
Device tracking
- Token Properties:
Expiration time
Creation timestamp
User binding
Device information
Request cooldown
- get_token_creation_time(token: str) datetime | None [source]
Extract token creation timestamp from JWT claims securely.
This method safely decodes JWT claims to retrieve the token creation time with proper error handling and validation.
- Parameters:
token (str) – JWT token to analyze
- Returns:
Token creation timestamp if valid, None otherwise
- Return type:
- Security Features:
Secure JWT decoding
Signature validation
Time parsing protection
Error isolation
- jwt_required(f)[source]
Protect routes with comprehensive JWT validation and security checks.
This decorator implements complete token validation including signature verification, database validation, and proper user session binding.
- Parameters:
f (Callable) – The route function to protect
- Returns:
Protected route function
- Return type:
- Security Features:
Token presence validation
JWT signature verification
Database token validation
Expiration checking
User session binding
Error logging
- Validation Flow:
Token format verification
JWT signature validation
Token type checking
Database record validation
Expiration verification
User session binding
- Raises:
AuthError – Various 401 status codes for different validation failures - Missing token - Invalid signature - Token not found - Token expired - Verification failed