Source code for configuration.ngrok_manager

Enhanced Ngrok Tunnel Manager
Version: 1.0
Author: Gabriel Cellammare
Last Modified: 05/01/2025

This module implements secure ngrok tunnel management with a strong focus on
memory safety, secure state persistence, and protected network operations.

Security Features:
1. Connection Protection
   - Secure tunnel establishment
   - Protected URL management
   - SSL/TLS verification
   - Timeout protection

2. State Management Security
   - Secure file operations
   - Protected state persistence
   - Memory-safe operations
   - Automatic cleanup

3. Configuration Security
   - Protected environment variables
   - Secure token handling
   - Region validation
   - Safe defaults

4. Error Management
   - Secure error recovery
   - Non-revealing messages
   - Protected logging
   - Failsafe defaults

Security Considerations:
- All sensitive data is automatically cleaned up
- Network operations are protected
- Logging excludes sensitive information
- File operations are secure
- Error states provide safe defaults

- pyngrok: For ngrok tunnel operations
- requests: For secure HTTP operations
- flask: For application integration
- pathlib: For secure file operations

import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import time
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
import logging
from pyngrok import ngrok, conf

[docs] class NgrokManager: """ Manages ngrok tunnel configuration and persistence with security focus. Implements secure tunnel creation, URL management, and state persistence. Security Features: - Protected tunnel operations - Secure state management - Memory-safe cleanup - Protected logging """
[docs] def __init__(self, app=None): """ Initialize NgrokManager with security considerations. Args: app: Optional Flask application instance Security measures: - Secure logger initialization - Protected file operations - Safe defaults """ = app self.tunnel = None self.ngrok_url = None self._setup_secure_logging() # Secure directory creation self.data_dir = Path('instance') self._create_secure_directory() self.state_file = self.data_dir / 'ngrok_state.json' # Configure ngrok if app is provided if app is not None: self.init_app(app)
def _setup_secure_logging(self): """ Configure secure logging for ngrok operations. Security measures: - Sanitized log messages - Protected handler setup - Secure formatter """ self.logger = logging.getLogger('ngrok_manager') self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if not self.logger.handlers: handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' ) handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(handler) def _create_secure_directory(self): """ Create data directory with proper security permissions. Security measures: - Secure permission setting - Protected creation - Error handling """ try: self.data_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: self.logger.error( "Failed to create secure directory", exc_info=True) raise RuntimeError("Security initialization failed")
[docs] def init_app(self, app): """ Initialize with Flask app instance securely. Args: app: Flask application instance Security measures: - Token validation - Region verification - Protected configuration """ = app # Validate configuration auth_token = os.getenv('NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN') if not auth_token: raise ValueError("Missing required NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN") region = os.getenv('NGROK_REGION', 'us') if region not in ['us', 'eu', 'ap', 'au', 'sa', 'jp', 'in']: raise ValueError("Invalid NGROK_REGION specified") # Set secure configuration config = conf.PyngrokConfig( auth_token=auth_token, region=region ) conf.set_default(config)
def _secure_save_state(self): """ Save current ngrok state to file securely. Security measures: - Atomic write operations - Protected file permissions - Data validation - Error handling """ if self.ngrok_url: state: Dict[str, Any] = { 'ngrok_url': self.ngrok_url, 'tunnel_public_url': self.tunnel.public_url if self.tunnel else None } # Secure atomic write temp_file = self.state_file.with_suffix('.tmp') try: with open(temp_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(state, f) temp_file.replace(self.state_file) except Exception as e: if temp_file.exists(): temp_file.unlink() self.logger.error( "Failed to save state securely", exc_info=True) raise def _secure_load_state(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Load saved ngrok state from file securely. Returns: Optional[str]: Loaded ngrok URL if available Security measures: - Protected file operations - Data validation - Error handling """ try: if self.state_file.exists(): with open(self.state_file, 'r') as f: state = json.load(f) url = state.get('ngrok_url') if not isinstance(url, str): raise ValueError("Invalid state data") return url except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error loading state securely", exc_info=True) return None def _validate_port(self, port: int) -> None: """ Validate port number for security. Args: port: Port number to validate Raises: ValueError: If port is invalid Security measures: - Range validation - Type checking - Error handling """ if not isinstance(port, int): raise ValueError("Port must be an integer") if port < 1024 or port > 65535: raise ValueError("Port must be between 1024 and 65535")
[docs] def start_tunnel(self, port: int = 5000): """ Start ngrok tunnel securely for the specified port. Args: port: Local port to tunnel Returns: str: Public ngrok URL Security measures: - Port validation - Secure health check - Protected tunnel creation - Error handling """ try: self._validate_port(port) # Kill any existing tunnels ngrok.kill() time.sleep(1) # Wait for cleanup"Attempting to start ngrok tunnel...") self.tunnel = ngrok.connect(port, bind_tls=True) self.ngrok_url = self.tunnel.public_url # Save state before returning self._secure_save_state()"Ngrok tunnel started: {self.ngrok_url}") return self.ngrok_url except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Failed to start ngrok tunnel: {e}") raise