Source code for security.csrf_protection

Enhanced CSRF Protection System
Version: 2.0
Author: Gabriel Cellammare
Last Modified: 09/01/2025

A comprehensive Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection system designed for Flask applications
with emphasis on security, scalability, and compliance with modern web security standards.

Key Features:
1. JavaScript Origin Validation - Ensures requests originate from legitimate sources using cryptographic signatures
2. Request Origin Binding - Links tokens to specific origins and validates request chains
3. Enhanced Token Protection - Uses encryption and HMAC validation with secure token lifecycle management
4. Anti-Automation Measures - Implements rate limiting and request pattern analysis
5. Request Chain Validation - Tracks and validates request sequences to prevent replay attacks

Security Measures:
- Implements double-submit cookie pattern
- Uses cryptographic signatures for request validation
- Supports both development and production environments with appropriate security levels
- Includes comprehensive header security
- Implements token expiration and rotation
- Provides protection against timing attacks
- Includes DOS protection mechanisms

    from csrf_protection import CSRFProtection
    app = Flask(__name__)
    csrf = CSRFProtection(app)
    @app.route('/protected', methods=['POST'])
    def protected_route():
        return 'Protected endpoint'

    - Flask
    - cryptography
    - Python 3.7+

Environment Variables:
    - FLASK_ENV: 'development' or 'production'
    - DEV_ALLOWED_ORIGINS: Comma-separated list of allowed origins for development
    - PROD_ALLOWED_ORIGINS: Comma-separated list of allowed origins for production

import base64
import hmac
import logging
import os
import re
import struct
import json
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from venv import logger
from flask import Flask, Response, jsonify, make_response, redirect, session, request, abort
from functools import wraps
import secrets
import time
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Optional, Dict, Callable, Set, Tuple
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
import hashlib

[docs] class CSRFProtection:
[docs] def __init__(self, app: Optional[Flask] = None): """ Initializes Flask application with comprehensive security configurations. Args: app (Flask): The Flask application instance to configure Security Configurations: - Session security settings - Origin validation rules - HTTPS enforcement - Security headers - Environment-specific configurations Environment Handling: - Development: Allows local testing and ngrok domains - Production: Strict security controls Implementation Details: - Configures session parameters - Sets up request hooks for HTTPS and headers - Initializes origin validation - Establishes environment-specific rate limits Raises: Exception: If initialization fails, with detailed error logging """ = app self._signing_key = secrets.token_bytes(32) self.encryption_key = Fernet.generate_key() self.fernet = Fernet(self.encryption_key) # Token and nonce management self.used_nonces: Dict[str, Dict] = {} self._token_cache: Dict[str, Dict] = {} # Configure logging with DEBUG level self.logger = logging.getLogger('csrf_protection') self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Set to DEBUG level # Create a console handler with formatting console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' ) console_handler.setFormatter(formatter) # Add handler if it doesn't exist if not self.logger.handlers: self.logger.addHandler(console_handler) # Origin management self._allowed_origins = set() self._dynamic_origins = set() # Set of supported environments self.SUPPORTED_ENVIRONMENTS: Set[str] = frozenset( {'development', 'production'}) # Security constants self.NONCE_EXPIRATION = 300 self.MAX_NONCES = 10000 self.MIN_TOKEN_LENGTH = 64 self._token_lifetime = 3600 self._max_tokens_per_session = 3 self._max_uses_per_token = 100 # Request chain tracking self._request_chains: Dict[str, Dict] = {} # Security configuration constants self.SECURITY_HEADERS = { 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'X-Frame-Options': 'DENY', 'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block', 'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload', 'Content-Security-Policy': self._build_csp_policy(), 'Cache-Control': 'no-store, must-revalidate', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Referrer-Policy': 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin', 'Permissions-Policy': 'geolocation=(), camera=(), microphone=()' } self.COOKIE_SETTINGS = { 'secure': True, 'httponly': True, 'samesite': 'Lax', 'domain': None, # Will be set based on request 'path': '/', } self.SESSION_CONFIG = { 'SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE': True, 'SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY': True, 'SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE': 'Lax', 'PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME': timedelta(hours=1), 'SESSION_COOKIE_NAME': 'secure_session', 'SESSION_PROTECTION': 'strong' } if app: self.init_app(app)
def _parse_origins_list(self, origins_string: str) -> set: """ Parses and validates a comma-separated string of origins into a set of allowed origins and patterns. Args: origins_string (str): Comma-separated list of origins (e.g., ",*") Returns: set: Set of validated origin strings and compiled regex patterns Raises: ValueError: If any origin in the list is malformed Notes: - Handles both exact origins and wildcard patterns - Wildcards (*) are converted to regex patterns - Empty or None input returns empty set """ origins = set() if not origins_string: return origins for origin in origins_string.split(','): origin = origin.strip() if origin: if '*' in origin: # Store wildcard patterns separately self._dynamic_origins.add(origin.replace('*', '.*')) else: origins.add(origin) return origins def _build_csp_policy(self) -> str: """ Constructs a comprehensive Content Security Policy string. Returns: str: Complete CSP policy string with all directives Security Directives: - default-src: Restricts default sources to same origin - img-src: Controls image loading sources - style-src: Manages stylesheet sources - script-src: Controls JavaScript execution sources - font-src: Manages font loading sources - connect-src: Controls XMLHttpRequest, WebSocket connections - frame-ancestors: Prevents clickjacking - form-action: Controls form submission targets - base-uri: Restricts base tag URLs Notes: - Implements defense in depth through multiple restrictions - Balances security with functionality - Allows essential third-party resources (CDNs) """ return "; ".join([ "default-src 'self'", "img-src 'self' data: https:", "style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'", "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'", "font-src 'self'", "connect-src 'self'", "frame-ancestors 'none'", "form-action 'self'", "base-uri 'self'", "upgrade-insecure-requests" ])
[docs] def init_app(self, app: Flask) -> None: """ Initialize application with comprehensive security configurations. This method configures the Flask application with security features, sets up session handling, and initializes OAuth providers. Args: app (Flask): The Flask application instance to configure Security Features: - Session security settings - Origin validation rules - HTTPS enforcement - Security headers - Environment-specific configurations Environment Handling: - Development: Allows local testing and ngrok domains - Production: Strict security controls Implementation Details: - Configures session parameters - Sets up request hooks for HTTPS and headers - Initializes origin validation - Establishes environment-specific rate limits Raises: Exception: If initialization fails, with detailed error logging """ # Apply session configuration app.config.update(self.SESSION_CONFIG) try: # Parse allowed origins dev_origins = self._parse_origins_list( os.getenv('DEV_ALLOWED_ORIGINS', '') ) prod_origins = self._parse_origins_list( os.getenv('PROD_ALLOWED_ORIGINS', '') ) # Add ngrok domains for development if os.getenv('FLASK_ENV') == 'development': dev_origins.add('*') dev_origins.add('*') # Store based on environment current_env = os.getenv('FLASK_ENV', 'production') self._allowed_origins = dev_origins if current_env == 'development' else prod_origins # Create environment configurations environments = { 'development': { 'origins': list(dev_origins), 'max_requests': 100 }, 'production': { 'origins': list(prod_origins), 'max_requests': 1000 } } # Store in app config app.config['ENVIRONMENTS'] = environments @app.before_request def secure_request(): """Enforce HTTPS and validate request origin""" if not request.is_secure and not app.debug: return redirect(request.url.replace('http://', 'https://', 1), code=301) @app.after_request def add_security_headers(response): """Add comprehensive security headers to all responses""" response.headers.update(self.SECURITY_HEADERS) # Remove potentially dangerous headers response.headers.pop('Server', None) response.headers.pop('X-Powered-By', None) return response except Exception as e: logger.error(f"CSRF Protection initialization failed: {str(e)}") raise
def _validate_origin_format(self, origin: str) -> bool: """ Performs comprehensive validation of origin string format against security requirements. Args: origin (str): The origin string to validate (e.g., "") Returns: bool: True if origin meets all security requirements, False otherwise Security Checks: - Validates basic URL format (protocol://domain[:port]) - Ensures protocol is http/https only - Validates domain structure - Special handling for localhost in development - Port number validation for local development - Protection against null bytes and injection attempts Notes: - More permissive in development mode for local testing - Handles ngrok domains in development environment """ if not origin or '\x00' in origin: # Check for null bytes return False try: # Parse the origin URL parsed = urlparse(origin) # Verify basic structure if not all([parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc]): return False # Validate protocol if parsed.scheme not in {'http', 'https'}: return False # Handle local development is_local = ( parsed.netloc.startswith('localhost') or parsed.netloc.startswith('') or parsed.netloc == '[::1]' ) if is_local: # Allow local addresses only in development if os.getenv('FLASK_ENV') != 'development': self.logger.warning( "Local address rejected in non-development environment") return False # Validate port if present if ':' in parsed.netloc: try: port = int(parsed.netloc.split(':')[1]) if not (1024 <= port <= 65535): return False except ValueError: return False return True # For non-local origins: # Check for valid domain structure if not parsed.netloc or '.' not in parsed.netloc: return False # Reject paths for origins if parsed.path and parsed.path != '/': return False # Special handling for ngrok in development if os.getenv('FLASK_ENV') == 'development': if any(domain in parsed.netloc for domain in ['', '']): return True return True except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(f"Origin format validation failed: {str(e)}") return False def _validate_origin_secure(self, request_origin: str) -> bool: """ Performs enhanced security validation for request origins. Args: request_origin (str): Origin header from the request Returns: bool: True if origin passes all security validations Security Validations: - Basic format validation - Environment-specific checks - Pattern matching for dynamic origins - Local development handling - Ngrok domain validation Implementation Details: - Supports exact matches and patterns - Environment-aware validation - Special handling for development URLs - Comprehensive logging of validation results Notes: - Stricter validation in production - Flexible for development needs - Protection against origin spoofing """ # First perform basic format validation if not request_origin or not self._validate_origin_format(request_origin): return False try: parsed = urlparse(request_origin) # Check if this is a development environment is_dev = os.getenv('FLASK_ENV') == 'development' # Handle local development URLs first is_local = ( parsed.netloc.startswith('localhost') or parsed.netloc.startswith('') or parsed.netloc == '[::1]' ) if is_local: # In development, we should allow local origins that are in our allowed list if is_dev and request_origin in self._allowed_origins: return True # If not in development or not in allowed origins, reject if not is_dev: self.logger.warning( f"Local origin { request_origin} rejected in non-development environment" ) return False # Handle ngrok URLs in development if is_dev and ('' in parsed.netloc or '' in parsed.netloc): # First check direct match in allowed origins if request_origin in self._allowed_origins: return True # Then check against dynamic patterns for pattern in self._dynamic_origins: if re.match(pattern, request_origin): return True return False # For all other origins, check against allowed list first if request_origin in self._allowed_origins: return True # Finally check against dynamic patterns for pattern in self._dynamic_origins: if re.match(pattern, request_origin): return True return False except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Origin security validation failed: {str(e)}") return False def _validate_js_origin(self, signature: str) -> bool: """ Validates the JavaScript origin signature with timing attack protection and request chain tracking. Args: signature (str): Base64-encoded signature containing timestamp and request ID Returns: bool: True if signature is valid and within acceptable time window Security Features: - Time-based replay protection with 60-second window - Request chain validation to prevent request replay - Rate limiting per endpoint - Automatic cleanup of expired chains Technical Details: - Signature format: base64(timestamp[4] + request_id[32]) - Timestamp validated against current server time - Request chains tracked per endpoint with count limits - Memory protection through automatic cleanup Raises: Exception: Logs detailed error information while returning False to caller """ try: self.logger.debug(f"Validating signature: {signature}") raw_data = base64.urlsafe_b64decode( signature + '=' * (-len(signature) % 4)) self.logger.debug(f"Decoded length: {len(raw_data)}") if len(raw_data) < 36: self.logger.warning( f"Invalid signature length: {len(raw_data)}") return False timestamp_bytes = raw_data[:4] request_id = raw_data[4:36] request_id_hex = request_id.hex() self.logger.debug(f"Timestamp bytes: {timestamp_bytes.hex()}") self.logger.debug(f"Request ID: {request_id_hex}") # Verify timestamp with slightly relaxed window timestamp = struct.unpack("!I", timestamp_bytes)[0] current_time = int(time.time()) time_diff = abs(current_time - timestamp) self.logger.debug(f"Extracted timestamp: {timestamp}") self.logger.debug(f"Current time: {current_time}") self.logger.debug(f"Time difference: {time_diff} seconds") # Increase window to 60 seconds to handle slight delays if time_diff > 60: self.logger.warning( "Timestamp validation failed - outside time window") return False # Clean up expired request chains self._cleanup_request_chains() # Modify request reuse detection endpoint = request.endpoint if request else None request_key = f"{request_id_hex}:{endpoint}" # Increase the time window and track request count current_time = time.time() if request_key in self._request_chains: request_data = self._request_chains[request_key] # 5 second window if current_time - request_data['timestamp'] < 5: request_data['count'] = request_data.get('count', 0) + 1 if request_data['count'] > 10: # Allow up to 3 requests in window self.logger.warning( f"Excessive requests detected for endpoint: {endpoint}") return False else: # Reset counter for new time window request_data['timestamp'] = current_time request_data['count'] = 1 else: self._request_chains[request_key] = { 'timestamp': current_time, 'count': 1 } return True except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"JS origin validation error: { str(e)}", exc_info=True) return False def _cleanup_request_chains(self): """ Manages memory usage by cleaning up expired request chain data. Implementation Details: - Removes chains that have exceeded maximum request count - Prevents memory leaks from abandoned request chains - Implements efficient cleanup without impacting performance Notes: - Called automatically during request validation - Uses count-based expiration rather than time-based - Maintains system performance under heavy load Performance Considerations: - O(n) complexity where n is number of stored chains - Optimized for minimal impact on request processing - Automatically triggered to maintain memory bounds """ expired_keys = [ key for key, data in self._request_chains.items() if data['count'] > 10 ] for key in expired_keys: del self._request_chains[key] def _generate_secure_token(self, require_user_id=True) -> str: """ Generates cryptographically secure CSRF token with optional user session binding. Args: require_user_id (bool): Whether to require user_id in session for token generation Returns: str: Base64-encoded encrypted token Raises: Abort(401): When require_user_id is True and no user_id in session Abort(403): When JavaScript origin validation fails Security Features: - Token binding to user session - Encrypted payload with request metadata - HMAC signature validation - Rate limiting and token rotation - Request chain tracking Notes: - Implements different token types for authentication flows - Includes DOS protection mechanisms - Performs automatic cleanup of expired tokens """ # Solo per rotte autenticate verifichiamo user_id if require_user_id and 'user_id' not in session: abort(401) # Add cleanup call here self._cleanup_expired_tokens() if (require_user_id): # Validate JavaScript origin js_origin = request.headers.get('X-JavaScript-Origin') print("JS ORIGIN:", js_origin) if not js_origin or not self._validate_js_origin(js_origin): abort(403, "Invalid request origin") user_id = session['user_id'] # Generate token components with additional entropy timestamp = int(time.time()) random_bytes = secrets.token_bytes(32) request_id = secrets.token_hex(16) # Create token payload payload = { 'user_id': user_id, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'request_id': request_id, 'random': base64.b64encode(random_bytes).decode() } # Encrypt payload encrypted_payload = self.fernet.encrypt( json.dumps(payload).encode() ) # Generate HMAC signature signature = self._signing_key, encrypted_payload, hashlib.sha256 ).digest() # Combine components token = base64.urlsafe_b64encode( encrypted_payload + signature ).decode() # Store in cache with metadata if user_id not in self._token_cache: self._token_cache[user_id] = {} self._token_cache[user_id][token] = { 'timestamp': timestamp, 'uses': 0, 'request_id': request_id } return token else: # Per login/oauth, generateiamo un token temporaneo user_id = session.get('user_id', 'temp-' + secrets.token_hex(16)) # Generate token components timestamp = int(time.time()) random_bytes = secrets.token_bytes(32) request_id = secrets.token_hex(16) # Create token payload payload = { 'user_id': user_id, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'request_id': request_id, 'random': base64.b64encode(random_bytes).decode(), 'is_auth_flow': not require_user_id } # Encrypt payload encrypted_payload = self.fernet.encrypt( json.dumps(payload).encode() ) # Generate signature signature = self._signing_key, encrypted_payload, hashlib.sha256 ).digest() # Combine components token = base64.urlsafe_b64encode( encrypted_payload + signature ).decode() # Store in cache with metadata if user_id not in self._token_cache: self._token_cache[user_id] = {} self._token_cache[user_id][token] = { 'timestamp': timestamp, 'uses': 0, 'request_id': request_id, 'is_auth_flow': not require_user_id } return token def _cleanup_expired_tokens(self) -> None: """ Manages token lifecycle and implements cleanup strategies for expired tokens. Security Features: - Removes expired tokens based on timestamp - Enforces maximum uses per token - Implements per-user token limits - Prevents token accumulation attacks Cleanup Strategy: - Removes tokens beyond lifetime - Removes overused tokens - Removes tokens from invalid request chains - Implements fair cleanup for DOS protection Implementation Details: - Maintains separate counters for auth flow tokens - Implements efficient cleanup algorithm - Preserves newest tokens during cleanup - Scales cleanup based on user activity """ current_time = time.time() # Iterate through all users and their tokens users_to_remove = [] for user_id, tokens in self._token_cache.items(): # Filter out expired or overused tokens valid_tokens = {} for token, data in tokens.items(): # Check if token is within lifetime and hasn't exceeded max uses is_valid = ( (current_time - data['timestamp']) <= self._token_lifetime and data['uses'] < self._max_uses_per_token ) # For auth flow tokens, we're a bit more strict if data.get('is_auth_flow', False): # Auth flow tokens get only one use is_valid = is_valid and data['uses'] == 0 if is_valid: valid_tokens[token] = data # Update tokens for this user if valid_tokens: self._token_cache[user_id] = valid_tokens else: # If no valid tokens remain, mark user for removal users_to_remove.append(user_id) # Remove users with no valid tokens for user_id in users_to_remove: del self._token_cache[user_id] # Implement DOS protection - if still too many tokens, remove oldest total_tokens = sum(len(tokens) for tokens in self._token_cache.values()) if total_tokens > self._max_tokens_per_session * len(self._token_cache): # Clean up by removing oldest tokens from each user for user_id in self._token_cache: tokens = self._token_cache[user_id] if len(tokens) > self._max_tokens_per_session: # Sort tokens by timestamp and keep only the newest ones sorted_tokens = sorted( tokens.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['timestamp'], reverse=True ) self._token_cache[user_id] = dict( sorted_tokens[:self._max_tokens_per_session] )
[docs] def generate_token(self, require_user_id=True) -> Tuple[str, Response]: """ Generate CSRF token and prepare secure response. Now returns both token and properly configured response. """ token = self._generate_secure_token( require_user_id) # Previous token generation logic response = make_response(jsonify({ 'token': token, 'expires': int(time.time() + self._token_lifetime) })) # Set CSRF cookie with security settings self.set_csrf_cookie(response, token) return token, response
def _validate_token(self, token: str) -> bool: """ Performs cryptographic validation of CSRF token with multiple security checks. Args: token (str): The CSRF token to validate Returns: bool: True if token passes all security validations Security Checks: - Token format validation - Cryptographic signature verification - Payload decryption and validation - User session binding - Expiration verification - Usage limit enforcement Implementation Details: - Uses HMAC for signature verification - Implements timing attack protection - Tracks token usage count - Validates against session data Raises: Exception: Logs validation failures while returning False """ try: if not token: return False # Decode token try: raw_data = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(token) except: return False # Minimum size for encrypted payload + signature if len(raw_data) < self.MIN_TOKEN_LENGTH: return False # Split components encrypted_payload = raw_data[:-32] signature = raw_data[-32:] # Verify signature expected_sig = self._signing_key, encrypted_payload, hashlib.sha256 ).digest() if not hmac.compare_digest(signature, expected_sig): return False # Decrypt and validate payload try: payload = json.loads( self.fernet.decrypt(encrypted_payload).decode() ) except: return False # Validate user binding if payload['user_id'] != session.get('user_id'): return False # Check expiration if time.time() - payload['timestamp'] > self._token_lifetime: return False # Validate token usage user_id = payload['user_id'] if (user_id not in self._token_cache or token not in self._token_cache[user_id]): return False token_data = self._token_cache[user_id][token] if token_data['uses'] >= self._max_uses_per_token: return False # Increment usage counter token_data['uses'] += 1 return True except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Token validation error: {str(e)}") return False
[docs] def validate_token_request(self, token: str) -> bool: """ Performs comprehensive validation of CSRF token and associated request headers. Args: token (str): The CSRF token to validate Returns: bool: True if token and request headers pass all security checks Security Validations: - Token cryptographic validation - Origin header verification - Referrer header checking for same-origin - Request chain validation - Token usage counting Notes: - Implements defense in depth through multiple validation layers - Provides detailed logging for security events - Handles missing headers gracefully Example: >>> csrf.validate_token_request("eyJhbGc...") True # If token and request are valid """ if not token: return False # Origin validation origin = request.headers.get('Origin') if origin: # Use the new secure validation method if not self._validate_origin_secure(origin): self.logger.warning(f"Invalid origin: {origin}") return False referrer = request.headers.get('Referer') # Referrer validation for same-origin requests if referrer: ref_url = urlparse(referrer) req_url = urlparse(request.url) if ref_url.netloc != req_url.netloc: self.logger.warning(f"Invalid referrer: {referrer}") return False # Existing token validation logic... return self._validate_token(token)
[docs] def generate_nonce(self) -> str: """ Creates a cryptographically secure, single-use nonce with request binding. Returns: str: Encrypted nonce containing request metadata Security Features: - Bound to user session - Request ID integration - Automatic expiration - Protection against replay attacks - DOS prevention through cleanup Implementation Details: - Uses Fernet symmetric encryption - Includes timestamp for expiration - Maintains maximum nonce limit - Implements automatic cleanup Raises: Abort(403): When JavaScript origin validation fails """ # Validate JavaScript origin js_origin = request.headers.get('X-JavaScript-Origin') if not js_origin or not self._validate_js_origin(js_origin): abort(403, "Invalid request origin") if len(self.used_nonces) >= self.MAX_NONCES: self._cleanup_oldest_nonces() # Generate nonce with request binding timestamp = int(time.time()) random_bytes = secrets.token_bytes(32) request_id = secrets.token_hex(16) # Create nonce payload payload = { 'timestamp': timestamp, 'random': base64.b64encode(random_bytes).decode(), 'request_id': request_id, 'user_id': session.get('user_id') } # Encrypt payload encrypted_nonce = self.fernet.encrypt( json.dumps(payload).encode() ).decode() # Store with metadata self.used_nonces[encrypted_nonce] = { 'expires': time.time() + self.NONCE_EXPIRATION, 'request_id': request_id } return encrypted_nonce
[docs] def validate_nonce(self, nonce: str) -> bool: """ Validates nonce with comprehensive security checks and request chain verification. Args: nonce (str): The nonce string to validate Returns: bool: True if nonce is valid and unused Security Checks: - Existence verification - Expiration validation - Payload decryption and validation - User session binding - Single-use enforcement Implementation Details: - Implements one-time use pattern - Automatic removal after use - Maintains encrypted payload integrity - Provides detailed error logging Notes: - Used in conjunction with token validation - Part of double-submit validation pattern - Implements defense against replay attacks """ try: if not nonce or nonce not in self.used_nonces: return False nonce_data = self.used_nonces[nonce] current_time = time.time() # Check expiration if current_time > nonce_data['expires']: del self.used_nonces[nonce] return False # Decrypt and validate payload try: payload = json.loads( self.fernet.decrypt(nonce.encode()).decode() ) except: return False # Validate user binding if payload['user_id'] != session.get('user_id'): return False # Remove used nonce del self.used_nonces[nonce] return True except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Nonce validation error: {str(e)}") return False
[docs] def csrf_protect(self, f: Callable) -> Callable: """ Comprehensive CSRF protection decorator implementing multiple security layers. Args: f (Callable): The Flask route function to protect Returns: Callable: Decorated function with CSRF protection Security Layers: 1. Nonce validation 2. Token validation 3. Origin verification 4. Request chain validation Usage: @app.route('/api/data', methods=['POST']) @csrf_protect def protected_endpoint(): return 'Protected data' Raises: Abort(403): When any security check fails - Invalid or missing nonce - Invalid or missing token - Invalid origin - Failed request chain validation """ @wraps(f) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): nonce = request.headers.get('X-CSRF-Nonce') if not nonce or not self.validate_nonce(nonce): abort(403, "Invalid CSRF nonce") # Then validate token for all requests token = request.headers.get('X-CSRF-Token') if not token or not self.validate_token_request(token): abort(403, "Invalid CSRF token") # Additional origin validation origin = request.headers.get('Origin') if origin and not self._validate_origin_secure(origin): abort(403, "Invalid request origin") return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function
def _cleanup_oldest_nonces(self) -> None: """ Implements efficient cleanup of expired nonces and request chains. Security Features: - Prevents DOS through resource exhaustion - Maintains system performance - Implements fair cleanup strategy Implementation Details: - Removes expired nonces based on timestamp - Cleans associated request chains - Implements FIFO when max capacity reached - Retains 50% of newest nonces when cleanup triggered Performance Considerations: - Automatic triggering when MAX_NONCES reached - Efficient sorting and cleanup algorithm - Maintains O(n log n) complexity """ current_time = time.time() # Clean nonces self.used_nonces = { nonce: data for nonce, data in self.used_nonces.items() if data['expires'] > current_time } # Clean request chains self._request_chains = { req_id: data for req_id, data in self._request_chains.items() if data['expires'] > current_time } # Implement DOS protection if len(self.used_nonces) > self.MAX_NONCES: sorted_nonces = sorted( self.used_nonces.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['expires'] ) self.used_nonces = dict(sorted_nonces[-self.MAX_NONCES//2:])